
_________PERSONAL INFO._________________________________________
B i o N i g h t
Character name:
Vahper Chois (V-ahh-p-err, Choice)
Ghost Soul
Birth Place
Death City
18 years old
5' 2"
98 lbs
Sexual Interest:
French blood, considered white.
Markings/ Tattoos:
A small blue spiral on her stomach.
Quite is her nature which always peeked other's interest, shes curious in a sense that she wanders off and no one can find her the next second, intelligent to one of the highest extents but doesn't really care, and sometimes lazy, except when getting work or paper work done.
Meister teacher at DWMA
Aura Color:
A soft light blue, the color of a ghosts aura.
/-New things
/-New food
/-Different personalities
-Chaos (Kind of just ignores it when it happens)
-People who eat a lot (Just ignores it)
-People with catch phrases (Hits them upside the head)
-Loud music (Walks away)
__________BIO/ HISTORY_______________________________________
Bio/ History:
Biography Of Birth:
Born to two normal parents who were partners that met at the academy DWMA, they gave birth to a beautiful little girl who had one lock of blue hair. Never would they know that the blue lock would turn her whole head blue. However, they raised her till she was three years before they started to train her the ways of the Meister and weapon by planning a survival test. They tested her to see if she was a weapon or a human. She was human 100% so mostly the father taught her about meistery. The little girl always gave off this strange quiet aura, and when she slowly grew to use her aura, they thought she was a ghost when her aura almost turned her invisible. They thought she was special.
Biography Of Childhood:
As she grew up more, she began to control her aura more and more, and she was soon pushed to go to school, however, it was for only a short period of time. As she went to school, she read tons books, getting very interested in the history of Death city and other cities around them, her eyes almost gliding through the book because she would read 600 paged books in a day. Her vocabulary was massive by four years of age and it was growing. However, no one would hear her vocabulary because she never spoke to anyone. She kept to herself with no one coming into her life. The librarians, who were the only people who interacted with her spoke warily to her parents about it and thought that she might not find a partner. They would soon be wrong. Students never began to try and be interactive with the little girl. She had found a good fellow though through the mass of people that had approached her on the street, despite of how much the girl didn't want that friend around her. This friend had very orange hair that flew in the wind when he walked outside. She thought it was interesting that they had opposite hair and started looking up traits that come from her parents.
Biography Of Teenager:
Old enough, the girl had been sent by her parents to survive on her own Her face didn't show it, but her excitement ran off measurable charts, and she couldn't wait to get death over with because that is what her parents were looking at. Her parents had told her before she left she was to find a partner. The morning after that day she found no one, and just gave up and walked to the library in the town, not the school. The whole day, she found no partner. Some people were already assigned people. As the sun went down, and the day was closing to night, she walked out of the library with books about the history of other towns, now that she was being kicked out, looking up at the sun setting, it's smile leaving the sky. However, not shifting her eyes, standing tall over near her line of vision, a boy stood, and he too was looking at the sun set. Then, a bond was quickly made as it came, as the moon came up.
Biography Of Adult:
__________RANK INFO.________________________________________
Current Partner:
Current Rank:
__________MEISTER INFO.________________________________________
Weapon Name and Appearance:
Abilities Description:
Battle Style:
Speed and Agility
__________STATUS & ATTACK CHARTS_______________________________________
Status/ Skill Points:
Soul Power:
Soul Power:
Attack Skills:
Attack Here
-(Info here)
Attack Here
-(Info here)
Attack Here
-(Info here)
Attack Here
-(Info here)
Attack Here
-(Info here)
Attack Here
-(Info here)
Soul Based Skills:
Ghost Defense
-Vahper's aura blasts to life and slowly, she wraps her arms around her body and slowly, the aura wraps around her too, her eyes closed. When her eyes open, the aura turns into a shield so that it protects her from a strong attack, lasting about five minutes.
Aura Shock
-This is a unique attack where Vahper concentrates on her aura, then it begins to crackle alive and bursts of what looks like blue lightning shoots out, trying to connect to a light source, and ultimately making a very power shock to the enemy by only using her aura presence.
Cleansing of Stupidity
-This is a close combat attack where Vahper takes a series of moves and combines it with her grabbing the enemy's head and then using her aura to shock the persons whole body, and as the end result, the person is knocked out and when he/she wakes up, they have forgotten what had happen. Works as a punishment when students are fighting and she slams their heads together and just hit two bird with one shock.
Drill Fly
-When Vahper basically gets underneath the opponent, she twists her palm against the enemy's stomach and then uses her Aura to send a powerful wavelength through the body and then propels them into the air, with the enemy spinning like a drill far away.
Ghost Defense
-Vahper's aura blasts to life and slowly, she wraps her arms around her body and slowly, the aura wraps around her too, her eyes closed. When her eyes open, the aura turns into a shield so that it protects her from a strong attack, lasting about five minutes.
Aura Shock
-This is a unique attack where Vahper concentrates on her aura, then it begins to crackle alive and bursts of what looks like blue lightning shoots out, trying to connect to a light source, and ultimately making a very power shock to the enemy by only using her aura presence.
Cleansing of Stupidity
-This is a close combat attack where Vahper takes a series of moves and combines it with her grabbing the enemy's head and then using her aura to shock the persons whole body, and as the end result, the person is knocked out and when he/she wakes up, they have forgotten what had happen. Works as a punishment when students are fighting and she slams their heads together and just hit two bird with one shock.
Drill Fly
-When Vahper basically gets underneath the opponent, she twists her palm against the enemy's stomach and then uses her Aura to send a powerful wavelength through the body and then propels them into the air, with the enemy spinning like a drill far away.