
_________PERSONAL INFO._________________________________________
B i o N i g h t
Character name:
Mink I. Leon
Savage M
Birth Place
Information Erased.
5' 5"
90 lbs
Sexual Interest:
Markings/ Tattoos:
Mink is actually a very emotionally attached Android, she is clumsy, optimistic, but is very respectful to her Sith brothers and Sisters.
Occupation/ Employment:
Sith Patawan
-Her own time
-Making her Masters proud
-Disrespectful students
-Glitches in her system.
__________BIO/ HISTORY_______________________________________
Bio/ History:
Biography Of Birth:
Born from a normal mother and father, they adored their child, loving every minute of the little girl's company. However, very soon after the baby was born, the Father went back to the Republic base. After a year, he came back, but, the mother came to him crying, saying that the baby had become sick over the time that he left. She explained to her husband that she was ok, but he wasn't convinced and ran into the house to look at his baby, but he came to a little baby girl with an oxygen mask and robot parts attacked her body. That night, the parents had a long talk about the future of their baby girl. That night, the little girl was awake, taking in all of their words. " We must teach her about the Republic. Now, she will be a lot different than all the others. " The father spoke quietly to not wake the baby. " ... Alright. But we are keeping her no matter what! " She said with a motherly tone. " Of course, she is ours. "
Biography Of Childhood:
Growing up was hard on this child. The little girl had to go to the hospital a lot, and very soon, the found a suit that substituted for her skin. The disease was a type of skin decaying virus that ate the skin off her stomach, so they made her a robotic skin. And around her skull, it was starting to eat into her skull so they made a band that wrapped around there and controlled the virus there, slowly destroying and repairing the damages it has done to the brain, so parts of her brain are mechanical. Mostly her memory. The family was very sad, except her
During the time of her youngest years, her father taught her the way of the republic, but she found it very boring and just look forward to the training. It felt so right when she fought her father, training hard to make her father proud, and she would always stretch before battle. But the Republic... was too boring and good. There wasn't enough balance.
Biography Of Teenager:
The Medical finally perfected her suit so that the virus has completely stopped, and she was officially half human. Her parents were so proud of her for completing her father's training. But the dreadful day when he took to his Base to sign her up. She refused to go several times, trying to make excuses, with her parents worried and asking her why she refusing to go to the Republic. " Theres too much good! " She yelled at them, shocking them as her Father stood in front of her mother and spoke. " The universe wants peace. " The girl gripped her fist and looked up at her father. " Not everyone is happy that way. " She looked at the window and then at her father. She ran to the window and jumped out, stealing her father's land ship. Her father chased after her, but she was too fast. She wanted more excitement... and thats when she seeked out the Sith.
Biography Of Adult:
((If any))
__________JEDI INFO._______________________________________
Current Jedi Class:
Current Master:
Haven't been assigned one yet.
Current Padawan:
__________LIGHTSABER INFO._______________________________________
Lightsaber Appearance:

Lightsaber Color:
Battle Style
Speed and Flexibly.
__________LIGHTSABER FORMS & FORCE ABILITIES_______________________________________
Known Lightsaber Forms
Form I: Shii-Cho "Way of the Sarlacc" or "Determination Form"
-Form I is the most basic of the seven forms and is learned by every Jedi Youngling. Shii-Cho includes the fundamental elements of all the lightsaber forms, including the basic attack, parry, body target zones, and practice drills called velocities.
Form V: Shien / Djem So "Way of the Krayt Dragon" or "Perseverance Form"
-Form V was also created in response to the advancement and frequency of blaster use in the galaxy. Unlike the strictly defensive style Soresu, Shien exploits the ability of a lightsaber to block blaster bolts and deflect them back at an opponent in a counter-attack maneuver. In a duel, the Djem So variation of this form, which focused on strength, would be used.
Known Force Skills
Force Jump/ Leap
-Also known as Force Leap, used the Force to augment the user's natural leaping ability. Force-users adept in this technique could perform awe-inspiring vertical/horizontal leaps with impunity.
Force Speed/ Dash
-Also known as burst of speed or Force sprint, was a core Force power that allowed the user to maintain sprinting speeds for a brief time. Greater aptitude granted greater boosts to speed and/or greater duration. The increased speed of the Force-user enabled them to see the world and the entities around them in slow motion, allowing them to dodge attacks easily and attack quicker with greater accuracy. The power also apparently enabled the user to run for extended distances with no visible signs of fatigue.
Force Push
-The ability to create a telekinetic impulse via the Force, launching a concussive burst of pressurized air-not unlike the blast of an archaic 'pipe bomb'-that would impact a target with enough force to knock it over, launch it into the air, or even (particularly in the case of fragile materials such as ceramics) shatter it into pieces. The greater the user's telekinetic aptitude, the larger the pressure differential, and thus the stronger the effect and the heavier the target. ((Objects Only))
Force Pull
-A telekinetic ability using the Force that could cause a material body to draw close to the caster. The greater the user's aptitude with this, the heavier the object that could be pulled or the more wide arc or radius of the Force "wave". It could be used to pull weapons from enemies, or, at higher levels of skill, the enemies themselves to be brought closer to the Jedi's lightsaber range. ((Objects Only))
Force Throw
-A telekinetic ability of the Force, perhaps related to Force Push. It caused objects, and even people, to be hurled toward a target at an astounding velocity. A skilled Force user could throw multiple, large objects simultaneously at great speed, as evidenced by Palpatine during his duel with Yoda in the Grand Convocation Chamber of the Senate Building, during which he hurled repulsorpods at the Jedi Master. ((Objects Only))