Chapter Nine: Jammies
*~ Sakura Pov ~*
Yay sleepover time! I'm totally excited! Just imagine me and Sasuke in our pyjamas, hugging, kissing while we laugh at Naruto who's sitting in the corner crying. Heh heh heh.
Oh Ino just text me the address. Not to far away I'll get mom to drive me. You guys will be happy to hear that I have come up with the best plan to get Sasuke's sweet sweet kiss, but you'll find out later right now I've got a sleepover to get to.
*~ Sasuke pov ~*
"Ok have we got everything we need?" I ask Hiromi she seems to be the commanding general around here.
"Yup hair-dye and a permanant marker plus other things. kukuku" Yup scary thank god Naruto didn't take after her.
We've set up all our sleeping bags in the living room which has been cleared of all furniture. We made Itachi do it.
We have all the usual sleepover accessories like Food, alcohol. You know the usual stuff.
Hiromi and Itachi leave the living to set up some extra little bits for Sakura's appearance. Now that this is all done I think I'll go find Naruto.
Ah hah! Found him! "Oh Naruto~"
"Come in this dark secluded bedroom for a moment I want to show you something." He gives me a weird look.
"Nice try teme I know your pull me in there and maul me. If you want me, we can do it in this nicely lighted bathroom which of course is secluded." How does he waggle his eyebrow like that? I give it a try but my face looks somewhere between constipation and a hard place. I give up and drag him into the bathroom. As soon as the door closes I have him pinned up agaisnt the door my mouth covering his.
"Mmp - hmmmfp- tejnmi" Excuse me. I seperate from him and give him a 'WTF' look.
"I said you could have warned me teme" Oh now thats no fun. I don't answer but I do rip his shirt from his body and immediately attack his left n****e with my mouth, my hand working the other one to hardness.
"Teme stop teasing" Fine if you want to play hardball then we will. I forcefully pull down his sweat pants and boxers in one go. I don't give him time to even moan when I engulf his manhood and start sucking.
"Mmm soo good" Yeah well this will be even better. My hand reaches behind Naruto where one of my fingers proceeds to his a** and I insert it without warning. I thinkthe thrust he just gave to my mouth that made me gag was punishment for the finger thing. I quickly add another two fingers but not without Naruto complaining.
"Please Sasu' hurry your a** up I'm dying here"
"Fine" I pull my fingers from him he doesn't even whine at the loss because he knows what's about to come. "Bend over the bath b***h" He gives me a glare and doesn't move.
"Will you please bend over the bath b***h?" God he always said for good sex you need good manners. Anyway he complies and bends over the bath, his forearms settling on the edge.
Lube, lube, lube ah this will do. What is it? Floral shampoo, Hm I'll try it one day buit for taday I'd rather just put it on my d**k for now. I lube myself up quickly because Naruto's an impatient twit.
"You ready?"
"Have been for about 20 minutes" Geez it was only like 2 minutes actually. Whatever I thrust into him in one swift movement succesfully hitting his prostate. I don't giv ehim time to adjust and start thrusting hard and fast.
"Did you just-ha-spank me?"
"Yes, yes I did now hush"
*~ Sakura's pov ~*
I just arrived at Ino's place and It's huge! I knock on the door and the creepy panda red-head answers. Before I can mutter a 'hello' the door is slammed in my face. I hear muffled shouting coming from inside then Ino re-opens the door.
"Sorry he's PMS-ing come in" She steps to the side and I enter I have one question and one question only.
"Where's Sasuke-kun?"
"He's around somewhere. Here I'll take your things and you can find him for me, tell him to get his a** down here now"
Sounds fair I head off up the stairs and along the first corridor. I hear a noise, I move closer to the door at the end of the hallway and press my ear to the door.
"Yes. yes I did now hush" Oh that's Sasuke's sexy voice. Without any further thoughts I open the door wide and I stare endlessly into Sasuke's deep black eyes.
"Hi Sasuke honey!" Why does he look so scared?
"Uh Sakura maybe you should go back downstairs"
"Well 1) I'm naked and 2) I currently have my d**k up Naruto's a**" What naked? I look down and sure enough he is indeed naked. I stare a little longer than need but then I catch up to what he said, and again he is right as always and there is Naruto staring at me with wide blue eyes. What's this? Sasuke's...Naruto's...OMG!
"What-the ******** just get your ugly a** away from Sasuke and get downstairs now!" I slam the door shut and run downstairs to Ino hoping she'll comfort me. As I'm running I run into something solid and fall to my a**. I look up and see 3 blurs of red, My vision must be hazy. As my vision starts to clear I see the the reds and recognise them as the panda guy, the quit dude and oh ******** Hirmoi.
"What was all the screaming about Sakura?" Hiromi asks.
"I..uh..saw..a..ghost?" Please beleive me.
"Oh okay I see you got all the paint off then"
"How did you know about that?"
"Youtube my friend it's quite popular actually" I'm doomed.
She says nothing more and they all walk away to there partners. I think It's about time to put my perfect plan into action. I head over to my bag and take out a head band that has mistle toe connected so that it sticks out in front of my face.
Right on time here comes Sasuke. I jog over to him and tap his shoulder, he turns to me.
"Mistle toe Sakura? It's not christmas."
"Tradition stills stands hun"
"I'm jewish"
"I- oh what?"
"Happy Hanukkah" And he walks away AGAIN! Then Naruto steps forward and raises his hands to get everyone's attention.
"Well as entertaining as that was I say we brake out th eboys and get started ne?" Everyone cheers and grabs their alchol and continue to talk about random things, but I'm still depressed someone should be comforting me.
"Hey you okay?" Ah Ino always there when I need her.
"Yeah thanks y'know Ino if I was gay I would totally date you"
"Really?" Wow she sounded pretty excited.
"Yeah but I'm not gay and I never will be so yeah"
"Oh" And with that she walks away and heads upstairs, I see Hiromi following after her. Perfect now she's gone. I join the rest of the group that are sitting in a circle.
"Okay were playing truth or dare so yeah shut it" Ah Sasuke has such a way with words.
Naruto is the first to spin and thus the game begins.
About two hours later plus a lapdance, streaking and muffin men It's my time to spin. Yes! I landed Sasuke.
"Truth or dare Sasuke?"
"Dare" Oh adventurous.
"I dare you to make out with me"
"I chicken"
"What why"
"I'm going to bed goodbye" He only has to walk about two feet to his sleeping bag, he climbs in and throws the top over his head. I think everyone else is thinking of doing the same considering they all climbed into there sleeping bags. Come to think of it I'm pretty tired to, I finish my drink and head to sleep.
*~ Deidara's Pov ~*
Is everyone asleep? No because I'm pretty sure Naruto and Sasuke are staring at me. We nod to eachother and stand and wake everyone else up. Thank the lord we gave Sakura that sleeping pill in her drink because we are a noist bunch.
I grab a bag that was hiddin behind the stereo and take out it's contents. I hand one to Garra which is the hair-dye where he applys it to Sakura's head. I have the permanent marker so I write on her forehead because it's the biggest blank canvas.
With our plan complete we get rid of the evidence and head back to bed I can't wait until tomorrow morning.
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"When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Grape Juice And Leave Life Wondering How The Hell You Did It."