Chapter Eieght: Space For Rent.
*~ Sakura's Pov ~*
School ended five mintues ago and I'm stuck here on my first day with detention for something I didn't do! What's up with that? So now I'm sitting in the art room where the 'Incident' happened waiting for the janitor Gay or something his name was. Someone's coming, Opening the door and dear lord is that Boulder's(1) dad?.
"Hi I'm Sakura Haruno nice to meet you." Not.
"Don't talk to me un-youthful trouble maker and grab a mop then get to work." Wow Talk about grumpy. I take a mop and set to work It's really just one corner needing to be cleaned. I seriously don't know why I got attacked with the paints which may I add I'm still covered in.
It takes us about an hour to finish It all but we're finally done and I go home. I grab stuff from my locker and head out the door. I take a shortcut through the parking because really it just saves time and I'm starting to crust.(2)
To my suprise everyone of my new friends are there.
"Aw you guys you didn't have to wait for me! Sasuke-kun if you wanted to see that badly you should have said" I knew he would come around but why is he still holding blondie around the waist.
"Pfft were not waiting for you"
"Then why are you here?"
"Why should we tell you?"
"Well Sasuke for a solid realationship we have to build trust." Wait did I say something wrong why is he walking away nooo! Now blondie's speaking up.
"Sas' babe where you going?"
"What for?"
"To puke probably" Blondie runs off after him like a lost puppy honestly that kid is obsessed. Everyone in the group is looking at me with dirty looks except Ino.
"So why are you guys here" I ask her.
"Were waiting for Itachi and Hiromi to come back from the art museum then were going to my house for a sleepover" She received a couple of punches in the arm from the group I wonder why.
*~ Ino Pov ~*
Ow! Bastards I forgot we weren't meant to tell her. Geez thats's a pissy bunch of gays plus Shikamaru and Temari.
"Well Ino I'll need your addrees just tell me what time and I'll be there." s**t. Someone help me!
"Troublesome actually Sakura the thing is-"
"Seven meet us at seven I'll text you the address later" Oh no I just dipped my foot in it didn't I. I turn to the rest of of the group and by the glares I'm receiving I'm guessing yes I did.
"Okay see you guys later! Oh tell Sasuke I said bye and I love him" She's off like lightning. Uh-oh everyone's advancing towards me. I cower.
"I'm sorry guys It's just I think she's cute, smart, funny-"
"You have a crush on her" Shikamru always was the genius. I nod to confirm.
"I'm hoping if I get her eyes off Sasuke then maybe she'll like me" Just as Garra was about to say something I hear screaming coming from down the road but it sounds manly?
There's Itachi's car but what's this Hiromi's driving? This day just keeps getting weirder. Just as Itachi and Hiromi are stepping out of there car Naruto and Sasuke returned, with Naruto looking tired and is he limping?
"What were you two doing?" I ask.
"Bum-fun duh"
"Shut the ******** up honestly I-it's get-ting old." Awww Kawaii.
Wow I wonder how Hiromi managed to convince Itachi to let her drive? Why am I thinking the question she's standing right there I'll ask.
"Ne Hiromi how did you convince Itachi to let you drive?"
"Easy" She states.
*~ Hiromi Pov ~* Magic Flashback
Wow that's a really ugly painting and so is that one and that one oh and-
"Baby why don't you and me just find a closet somewhere and make some real art?"
"Hmm tempting 'Tachi but how about we make a deal?"
"I'm listening" Hmm how can he do that while sucking my neck?
"Well I'll give you what you want if you let me drive your car home."
"Well that's a shame I mean my handbag is just full to the brim with accessories"
"Accessories?" He raises a brow, so sexy.
"Y'know the usual condoms, toys, rope and whisky"
"..." I can see him starting to sweat this is totally going in my favour.
(End Magic Flashback) =[ goodbye flasback!
"Yup see totally easy anyway down to business the sleepover any plans?" Oh why does Ino look pale all of a sudden is she sick? I hope not.
"Well you see I sort of kinda by accident invited Sakura and I may or may not have a crush on her."
"Awww you have your first crush I'm so proud sweetcheeks" I hug her extremely tight but then I remeber the Sakura being invited to the sleepover thing. "Don't worry if she comes we can do horrible things to her mutilated body" I smile.
"Hiromi you know if I get blood on the carpet my mom will kill me!"
"Fine but I will being doing horrible things to her she'll just be alive... mostly"
"Such as?"
"Dear dear Ino so naive the hair-dye and permanent marker of course" I see everyone else's faces in the group light up with excitement.
Ino's still a little unsure but I ensure her it's all good fun and we set about making aragements while Ino texts Sakura with her address. Muhahaha let the games begin b***h!
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