"Wicked Witch"
SasuNaru Fanfic
Another One Yay! Yeah Bordem Does That To You =[
Summary: Sakura Starts At Konoha High And Has Takes An Instant Liking To A Gay Boy With Who Has A Boyfriend Just What Will She Do To Naru-Chan To Get Her Grimy Paws On Sasuke?
Me: Ah A New Start
Sasuke: Your Only Doing This Because You've Got Nothing Better To Do.
Me: . . . Yeah Well . . You Smell!
Naruto: Oh Teme You Got Burned Lol
Sasuke: Hn *Sniffs Himself* I Don't Smell =[
Pairings: SasuNaru, GaaLee, OCIta, ShiKib, SasoDei One- Sided SasuSaku (Gak)
Warnings: Contains Some Sexual Scenes, Strongs Language And Perversion xD
Chapter One: Morning Rituals
*~Sakura's Pov ~*
I jump up from bed, I was already awake before my alarm because I couldn't sleep I was far too excited. Yes I Sakura Haruno was excited why you ask? Well I'm starting my first day at my new school Konoha High which was hopefully filled to thr brim with hot boys that I could bag.
Okay I need to get a shower, Do my hair, Do my make-up, Get dressed, Have breakfest and leave. Phew that's alot to do well better get started I suppose. I happily skip my way to the bathroom with all my neccesities i.e Towel, Hair-Dryer, Starigtners, Make-up and clothes yep everything a girl could need except for a hot peice of man a** hopefully I'll meet 'The One' At this school.
*~Sakura's Mum's Pov~* (A/N: No she doesn't have a name because she gave birth to satan)
*Sigh* I can hear Sakura cussing from her room something about her hair not sitting right or she can't fing her favourite mascara, Honestly that girl needs to set her priorities straight. I blame television and all those gossip magazines she reads.
Oh here she comes thumping down the stairs in those god awful high heel shoes and probably a skirt thats too short, I'll complain about it but it will fall upon deaf ears.
"Hey Mom what do you think?" Yep just like I said that's not a skirt it's a belt.
"Your skirts very short Sakura it's pretty chilly outside"
"Yeah Mom toast sounds good I'm just gonna do a double check to make sure I've got everything ready" See deaf ears never listens to a word I say. I wish her father was still here he was the only able to talk sense into the girl but he left to fight in the war a couple years back and was kille din action a few months ago that's why we moved out here.
I stand to make Sakura her breakfast, Toast is practically the only thing she'll eat she says shes on a diet and that she won't get laid if she's fat, I fainted the day she told me that. I felll sorry for any boys that will be in Sakura's class she had 32 boyfriends spaced between 2 months at her last school.
Sakura comes back into the kitchen with her school bag I hand her the toast she takes two bites and she's gone out the door heading to school we only live about 10 mintues down the road from Konoha High so it won't take her long. She didn't even spare me a goodbye sometimes I miss the old Sakura the one wouldn't sleep without her favourite teddy and a kiss goodnight. Oh well better get the chores done because I know Sakura won't.
*~ Nauro's Pov ~*
No no no no no no I don't wanna wake up yet! please make the sun go away! Ow what the hell was that? I groggily open my eyes to see my friend/rival/lover/pain in the a** hovering over me poking my ribs.
"Get up dobe we have to get ready for school"
"I'm not a dobe teme!And don't worry your nerdy little a** won't be late for school"
"Unlike you dobe I care about my education and I'm not worried about me being late for school it's you."
"Why's that?"
"Because you have twenty minutes to get ready before we have to leave and if your not ready I'm going without you."
I started zooming around my room that i unfortunately shared with that smug looking ********. Finally I find some clean clithes thank the lord our school doesn't have a uniform code I doubt it would consist of my favourite .
"Firstly no I am not nuts and secondly I didn't wake you because I didn't get any last night."
That b*****d didn'y wake me up because we didn't have sex last night oh I'm gonna hit him soo ******** hard right now.
"Naruto, Sasuke if you don't now your going to be late!"
Oh that teme is soo lucky that Iruka-Sensei saved his a**. I'll get him next time.
*~ Sasuke's Pov ~*
Thank you Iruka-Sensei
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"When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Grape Juice And Leave Life Wondering How The Hell You Did It."