Chapter Six: Naruto's Revenge
*~ Sakura Pov ~*
I had to drag Ino out of her class proclaiming that I needed help taking medicine for a deseise I didn't have. We head to the girls toilets.
"Okay what do you need help with?" This girl is so gullable honestly
"I lied 1) I don't have turrets and 2) the love of my life is Naruto-sexual" I began crying into her shoulder practically demanding sympathy.
"You shouldn't have lied about having turrets that's low really low and the only person I know that is strictly Naruto-sexual is Sasuke and how can you love him you've barely known him for a day" She rubs little circles in my back hoping I would calm down obviously she doesn't realise how serious this actually is!
"Exactly Sasuke groped me! We should be standing at the alter right now with our 11 children-"
"I wan't a soccor team family anyway then we would be married, honeymoon in Honoloulou and make love multiple times, Then waiter Holio serves us drinks on the beach as we watch the sunset"
Yes I have my life with Sasuke all planned out and It is perfect. Now all I have to do is get that blond brat out of the way and I'll be fine.
"That's a pretty elaborate plan Sakura but Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki proclaimed their love for eacthoer over milk and cookies in kindergarten so I sorry you'll just need to find someone else."
"Did you just say Naruto Uzumaki?" That's Hiromi's second name he can't be related to someone like that he's not cool enough. What is the world coming to.
"Well that is his name so yeah I did he's Hiromi's little brother" Hm I can't touch the little blond kid if Hirmoi's hanging around. Hey someone's phone is ringing it's not mine I don't have that song on my phone, wish I did though it's catchy.
"I just got a text from Hiromi I forgot she was going to that art museum with Itachi today oh well hope they have fun!" Ha my lucky break with Hiromi out of the way I can't mess around with fishcake! Muhaha!
"C'mon Sakura we better get to lunch 'cause I'm starving." I nod and we leave to find the others. Ino leads me out side and we find everybody under a big ugly tree that has a missing branch, I hope it fell on Naruto.
*~ Naruto Pov ~*
Ah nothing beats Ramen at lunch time. Oh theres Ino I've barely saw her all day and she's with Sakura. I could get her back right now but I'll wait until our next class to get my revenge for Hiromi.
"Hi Hinata, Neji"
"About ******** time you got here!"
"Oh no we are NOT starting that again" I cross my arms and pout, The episode earlier caused my brain to hurt and I'm sad when my brains hurt.
"Neji, Hinata this is Sakura" I think Neji recognises her from somewhere maybe they're already friends?
"Your the b***h who pushed us" He states camly.
"I-It was rude of y-you to p-p-ush us, And if you do it again I'll shove a Jack-Hammer up your a**!" I love it when she's like that It's nice to see Hinata with a backbone I wish she was like that all the time it's hirlarious.
"Sorry I was sort of in a foul mood when I pushed you" She glares straight at me. This girl has some cheek I'll tell you(1)
It's not my fault she followed to boys who were practically strangers to a bathroom while she continued to listen to one blow off the other. Completely her fault. Maybe I could deal A bit of revenge right now.
"Hey Sakura" I call.
"What" Geez no need to be so bitchy!
"You have a spider on your back"
"Ahh get it off, get it off!" I turn to the rest of the group gicing them 'The Look' Gaara's the first one to join in.
"OMG It's ******** huge!" Lee's next.
"It's youthfully running up your youthfully, youthful back"
"It has 12 legs!" Wait who th ehell was that? I turn and find none other Kiba sometimes I think he's even more stupid than I am, well of course I'm prett smart when I'm not some sterio-typical fanfiction character. (2) The funny thing is the bimbo beleive it and proceeded to thrash and jump around until...
She lands in a conveiniately placed puddle, which is weird bacause it hasn't rained in days. Oh well I'm not exactly complaing, But then she doesn't look at all plaeased.
Don't worry b***h there's plenty more where that came from you'll just have to wait unti next class which as luck would have it is ART!
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"When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Grape Juice And Leave Life Wondering How The Hell You Did It."