Chapter Seven: Now That's Art Un!
*~ Sai's Pov ~* (He's the art teacher =])
Brats, every single one of them brats. None of them understand art like I do. ******** freaks, snot nosed bra-
"Hey Sensei un"
"Oh hiiiiii Deidara" Gos that voice could give false teeth cavities. Ugh here come the rest of the cavolry. Oh theres one I've never seen before... ew just ew, pink hair... PINK!
"Who are you?" She turns and OMG her forehead is HUGE! That's bigger than my paintbrush collection and that's saying something. Wow.
"I'm your new student Sakura Haruno"
"I suppose you want me to give you a medal or something or are you still standing there for some other reason?"
"Well um-"
"Whatever ugly just take a seat I really don't care where" Please just go and sit down so I can find some way to distract myself from your hair.
"UGLY! UGLY! I could tell the principle you know"
"Go ahead, See if I whistle Dixie(1)" Hah that caught you b***h. Finally she's going to sit down. Oh that's perfect she's sitting in the 'Target chair' I think I'll wait for her to figure out why she should not have sat there.
*~ Naruto's Pov ~*
Hahahaha that's why I love Sai-Sensei. Oh where is she going now... The target chair what a twit, Actually this is perfect for my revenge. I turn to the rest of the group.
"Hey guys look where Sakura's sitting" I whisper. The all look and as soon as they see they all have evil smiles on their faces. They nod in understanding. Let phase two of my revenge begin!
We take a couple bottles of paint , After passing a note through the class ( except Sakura) telling everybody to duck down to avoid getting hit. We set about thining on how exactly to do this. Ha ha light bulb I've got just the Idea. I pull Sasuke close so that I can whisper to him. He nods.
"Hey Sakura!" He calls, she immediately turns around with that horrible smile on her face.
"Yes Sasuke-kun Honey?" Everyone shudders I almost cry.
"Do you know what chair your sitting in?"
"No should I babe?" BABE? He's my babe b***h!
"Well anyone who sits there gets a ... prize yeah a prize."
"Oh give it to me!" Ew.
"Ok close your eyes and hold out your hands." Heh she'll do anything Sasuke says. So of course she closes her eyes and holds out her hands. We all move a little closer and I count down from three to one with my fingers. 3.2.1.
"GO!" We all squirt our paint bottles at the same time. Poor thing she has no where to run.
We are standing in two rows with me, Sasuke, Gaara, Lee, Shino and Kiba in front and the rest behind us. Once our bottles are empty we duck down and the second row negin throwing paint bombs which we always have handy incase exactly this happens.
It takes about ten minutes before our attack is over and we claim victory. I look okver to see how well we got her and well um lets just say she's covered in paint.
"Now that's art un!" Deidara shouts and laughs.
"No it isn't."
"Yes it is Danna un"
"No sex"
"No-... You can't do that!"
"Why not un?" He's crossed his arms and turned away from his seme Sasori.
"Because I'll just rape you and you'll enjoy it."
"...Fair enough un" Then they start a make-out session.
I hope Hiromi will be proud of my revenge, We got a couple of pictures and a video for proof.
Best art class EVER!
*~ 20 minutes later ~*
I knew that b***h would tell on us so here we are, all eleven of us squeezed into a very small office. The principles to be exact. No worries I know how to handle her.
"So does anyone mind telling me why your all here and why Sakura is covered in paint?" She looks straight at me, obviously knowing I started it.
"Baa-chan she called Hiromi a slut and faked a deseise." Time to start the water works. I give her my best puppy dog look with tears in my eyes.
"Aw How cute but don't cry Naru-chan, here have a mint" She produces a small bowl of mints. I sniffle and take one, I won't eat it but at least I've got her in my grasp.
"A-and sh-she sat in the t-target chair in art a-and y-you know the tradition Baa-chan" She nods.
"Yes I do I'm the one who started it." She smiles proudly like it's the best acheivement in her life.
"WHAT? Are you ******** nuts? Look at me!" Sakura stands and yep she's still covered in paint.
"Sakura Haruno for your little outburst, faking a deseise and name-calling you have detention. So stay behind after school and you can help Gai the janitor clean up the mess you made."
She opens ands shuts her mouth like a fish, give her a dorsel fin and gills and hey look I found Nemo!
"Yes Ma'am"
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