Can you hear me cry out to you? Words I thought I'd choke on figure out. I'm really not so with you anymore.
My Advanced Placement Biology class completely sucks BAWWLS. I'm balancing between a solid B and a B-. The teacher believes my entire class period will be able to pass the exam test in May that we have to pay eighty-five dollars to take. Our scores on this exam will be reviewed by the colleges we may or may not apply to, and depending on our major, they'll either reject or accept us because of that score. The scores are on a scale of 1 - 5, five being the best, and 3 just passing. The AP Biology classes before us only had three or four people in each class willing to take it. I've failed nearly all of the tests except for the very first one in September, because I actually had and took the time to analyse the chapters. When we fail a test however, we can do test corrections and bump our grade up probably up to a solid B at most. Never able to get all the points. And most of the students in my AP Bio period are more social than focused, so I end up zoning out most of the time. Then there was this Senior that had sat in front of me in the first row that had this elitist mindset, and would always turn around to correct me in a I'm-your-superior tone whenever I asked the teacher questions. Because of how many elitists there are on Gaia, I always swiftly and easily bitched him out. Each time, I made sure to call him out for trying to treat me as an inferior and called him a stupid elitist, and he would always retort with "I'm a Senior, so I'm above you." Exactly like that. And I'd point and laugh at him, and tell him he is clearly not above me if his brain power in science is level with that of a Sophomore. Last month, he dropped out of AP Biology anyhow. So I declare his scientific brain power lower than mine! Ha! In my Honors World Literature class, I'm doing pretty well with an A-. Could be doing better.. We recently analysed Dante Alighieri's Inferno from his The Divine Comedy. It's pretty graphic when you actually read from his Cantos. But someone had created a virtual tour, so here's the link: . The Inferno is Dante's version of Hell, and when he wrote this at thirty-five, it was his way of getting revenge on the people who wronged him in his life. He was born in Florence, Italy and was a government official, I think, and when a war of some sort rose up, he was exiled from Florence, never to return. So all the punishments of the souls in Hell are symbolic retributions for everyone that pissed off Dante. It is really, really interesting. I recommend visiting the site. I'm now reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, my classic novel for my second Parallel Reading Project (PRP) for this second quarter. The first PRP in the first quarter was just...any book I think. I read Murder In the Cathedral by T.S. Eliot, which was a poetic drama that used archaic diction. The little book was only eighty-eight pages but the archaic diction made it more challenging for a novella (book under one hundred pages; a novel being a book over a hundred pages). The diction in Jane Eyre is very eloquent. Takes place in England, I believe. Jane, the main character of the book if you haven't guessed already, is an orphan taken in by her uncle and his family, the Reeds. But then her uncle dies, and right before he died, he made his wife, Sarah Reed, promise to care for Jane. Sarah keeps Jane in the mansion, but neglects and abuses her, and allows her children, Georgiana(I think), Eliza, and John, to abuse her as well. Later on, Jane is sent to a boarding school, Lowood Institution, where she gains her education and later becomes a governess. I haven't finished it yet, but I must say, I found it interesting from the start. Oii.. I don't feel like writing any more. Perhaps I shall write more tomorrow, since it's half days tomorrow and the day after, then no school Thursday and Friday. Today's Monday. I had no school today, and earlier, I had vacuumed my room, organised my closet beautifully, and my clothes are in the washing machine...washing. Later, I shall have to catch up on the chapters twelve and thirteen for my AP Biology class. I'll probably skip out on that and read more Jane Eyre instead, hehe.

I'm just a ghost, So I can't hurt you anymore, So I can't hurt you anymore!
Wicked Crud · Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 10:25pm · 0 Comments |