The Andriods.
Name: Android 213
Human secret Id: Lexirus
Rank: Squad 4th in command.
Made: 12/14
Android Power: Able to control Colors, lights, and Sounds that surround her.

Name: Android 349
Human secret Id: Rentos
Rank: Squad technition and 3rd in command.
Made: 3/27
Android Power: Able to control Eletronic devises around him.

Name: Android 1812
Human secret Id: Demion
Rank: Squad gunman, Healer, and 2nd in command.
Made: 5/13
Android Power: Able to control any type of gun on command that is avalible to her.

Name: Android 223
Human secret Id: Araon
Rank: Summonar, and 1st in command.
Made: 8/8
Android Power: Able to summon ghosts and call forth Powerful Souls.

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