Height: 5'3 5'6[with boots]
Race: Neko
Age: 18

Bio: She tends to not talk about her life before she joined the group, her weapons of choice being twin daggers.
Sexuality: Pan
Name: Inas
Height: 5'4
Race: Half Human part shadow demon and vampire.
Age: 14

Bio: Like Yahir, she has no recollection of her parents and was infact picked up by him when she was 5 and helped her out in anyway he could, teaching her to fight. Her weapons of choice are a single revolver which she carries on her thigh and a sniper rifle when needed, other then that she fights with her fists.
Sexuality: Ai.
Name: Reno - R
Height: 5'7
Race: Lycan
Age: 18

Bio: He was at one point a pet, only having been freed when his master was murdered and only was he freed because it was in his masters will. The main reasons he joined the group was so he would have help in hunting down the killers and so he would have a 'pack' to call his own.
Sexuality: Pan