Age: unknown
Race: Merman
Height: 5'8

True Form

Bio: He grew up in the Indian ocean off the coast of Indonesia, often playing with the dolphins as he grew up. For many years he swam freely in the sea without a care in the world, sometimes helping those who were shipwrecked get to land. However, one time after helping someone they back stabbed him and caught him; it having been a trap from the very beginning. After that he was put up on display in many different circus shows. He didn't mind that too much, enjoying putting on a show for the children that would come see him, often swimming to the glass when they would near his tank and wave before pressing his hand against the glass with a soft smile, his smile only growing when they would repeat the gesture. He was as happy as he could be considering where he was stuck. But then, one day a trader from the black market approached the ringmaster and offered him a deal he couldn't refuse. After that, his life spiraled into the dark depths of disappear. During his transportation to the black market, his scale's started to dull in color while his eyes also lost the joy of life they once had. Then came the time where he was up on the block in a tank just barely large enough for him to lay flat in. He kept his eyes clenched shut as the bidding started, and just didn't seem to stop. Finally after what seemed like hours the bidding came to a close, and he was carried off to meet his master, a very cruel looking man. That night his master had ordered his guards to forcefully remove all the scales from his tail; uncaring of the damage it would do to him. Obediently, a couple guards pinned him to the bottom of his small tank while others came and removed his scales, ignoring his screams of agony and pleas for them to stop as he struggled helplessly in the tank. It took his weeks to fully recover from it only for his master to order the same thing to happen again and again. The cycle of pain and torture not ending for many many years; when his master enough scales to buy an entire country and still have plenty of money left over did he send him back to the black market, his tail still in the process of healing. After that he stopped caring, just going through the motions as he was passed from master to master, just wishing they would let him die instead of abusing his body to make themselves richer. However after every time scales were forcibly ripped from his body, it took just a little longer each time for his tail to heal.
Sexuality: Unknown.