Hight: 6'3"
Race: Half Human Half Shifter
Age: 21

Bio: He never really knew his parents, having been left abandoned in a dark alley when he was three. He soon learned the way of the streets to survive. He wasn’t able to go to school, but he did teach himself to read and write when he had the chance and wasn't fighting for his life. However he was soon considered one of the top dogs on the streets, not having even once lost a fight. He recently became better off then he could have possibly ever imagined, and is now personally working for the boss of the mob. He does not need to answer to anyone but his boss, and could pretty much do what ever he wanted while off shift. He is a lot smarter then he tends to let on, preferring to let people think he is a common street urchin without any morals and standards, finding it to troublesome to show otherwise. In his time away from his main job with the mafia, he made his own type of gang, only they were more then just a gang, they were family, and looked after each other like such. They are a stealthy bunch, specializing in one strike attacks, and in tern named their gang the Northside Assassins
Sexuality: Aisexual