Age: 19
Race: Half Hell Hound Half Lycan
Height: 6'3

Bio: He doesn't remember much of his parent's, having been left on the door step of a well known dojo when he had been just a pup. Due his his mixed breed, he had been born in his wolf form and when the master of the dojo first took him in it was as a pet. It wasn't until his 5th birthday that he had been able to attain his human form and was by then used to being treated as a pet. In fact he didn't mind it at all, opting to remain in his wolf form when his master's students were at the dojo. Though when they were alone he would take his human form at his masters request and then started his training in the martial arts. When he was 10, he joined his masters student's so that he had someone else to practise with. He was hesitant about it at first but when he was partnered up as he relaxed a little enough to take the sparing more seriously and he shocked everyone but his master at how much of a natural he was. He grew more confident as the weeks went on, often joking around with his sparing partner but was carefull to keep his true identity hidden. Though it didn't last as long as he would have liked; the student's having noticed the now missing wolf that their master had adopted and would often be found watching them practise. Knowing he could no longer keep his identity hidden, he told them what he truely was and shifted into his wolf form right in front of their eyes so that they would know he wasn't lying. He had then lowered his head and looked away, unsure of how they would react; but he hadn't expected his partner to actually come up to him and hug him around his neck with a muttered 'Should have told me sooner idiot'. The following nine years were the best of his life, enjoying the friends he had made before disaster struck. He had been on his way back to the dojo after a night out to celebrate his 19th birthday only to find his master murdered with half the members of the local gang filling the dojo's main area. The leader had smirked at him, saying he owned it now and that he wasn't welcome anymore and if he told anyone what happened they'd kill him. Instead of giving into his animal side which whispered that he should kill them all, he turned and fled the city moving onto the next where he lived off the streets, finding work where he could and stealing only when needed. One night he had ran into Lazaro Vincent who he learned had been looking for him and offered him a new home among his clan. At first his was hesitant to join but when he inwordly weighted the pro's and the con's before deciding that the pro's of joining out numbered the con's, considering he still knew nothing about how the city worked. He is still adjusting to his new life in the clan, though he is starting to become friends with Hoyt, the leader's son.
Sexuality: Pan