Age: Unknown
Race: Immortal Berserker
Height: 6'3
Abilities: Soul Reading, telepathic, summoning different weapon's, contorl of fire [all currently locked away]
Appearance: [the blonde]

Bio: He's known Lazar for many many years, having been cell mates with him in the gladitoral rings. They were their 'masters' favourite and most skilled and though the audience called for a death match between the two of them time and time again thier master always refused. Though that didn't stop him from pitting them against eachother when it was a fight till someone was KO'd instead. He had lost count of how many live's he took for other's entertainment, having quickly grown immune to the guilt he had orginally felt when he first took a life. However, unlike most of the other berserkers he had met, he retained full memory of when he had gone into berserk mode, worse still, he retained every single memory he ever had. In the beginning, he cursed his perfect memory, espically when the face's of those he killed came back to haunt him in his sleep before he forced himself to grown immune and started to use it to his advantage, often watching the other prized gladiator's when they were allowed out of their cell's to train, memorizing their fighting style and any weakness for when he knew they would eventually face in the rings.
Sexuality: Pan