~Name: Vincent
Age: 34
Height: 6'8

Bio: He is the founder of the clan and is also Hoyt's brith father. When he was just a kitten he was left out on the streets to fend for himself. After a few months he was found and taken in by a rich elderly man who treated him like the son he never had and left everything he had to him when he passed on. Vincent, who was shown both sides of life decided on starting his own family, taking in any strays he fund on the streets and in the alleys who would except his help. One day he found a female Neko around his age and took her back with him to his clan and soon took her as a mate and they has a single son, Hoyt. Unfortunatly she died during childbrith and he nearly lost Hoyt as well but was able to save him in time and raied him the same way he was himself while looking after his clan. He rarely had time to grieve her lost while looking over their son and clan but did whenever he had time to himself or at night when he was supposed to be sleeping. Many years have past and is now distrught at also having lost his son to the blackcoats and wants nothing more than to search for him but knew his reasponsablity to his clan came first.
Sexuality: Pan~
Names: [Black Haired] Thicali Vincent [White haired] Kitt Vincent - both R
Ages: both 18
Races: Neko
Height: Thicali - 5'10 Kitt - 5'11

Bio: They are the newest edition's to the clan and find it hard to open up to the clan members, tending to keep to themselves. Vincent found them after they left for dead after being attacked and left for dead by their previous vampiric master which resulted in Thicali losing his right eye.
Sexuality: Both Bi
Name: Vivian Vincent
Age: 13
Race: half shadow demon half bat demon
Height: 5'2

Bio: She was found by Vincent when she was only 5, having been left for dead in a dumpster. She has the gift of foresight and is thus not alowed to leave the hideout in case the blackcoats found her and thuss sell her to the hightest bidder.
Sexuality: Bi
Name: Granville Donovan Vincent
Age: 18
Race: Half Human Half Fire Demon
Height: 6'2

Bio: He is one of the older clan members, having been found when he was an infant and was kinda like an older brother to Hoyt.
Sexuality: Straight
Other Members: