Age: 100,502
Race: Immortal Tamer
Height: 6'2"

Bio: Long ago back when He and Anubis where still young, not having reached 1000 year's old yet, these two were madly in love. In a way, he was the only thing that kept his lover sane, keeping him from acting out against the other gods. But one day, just as he was coming home from a flight on Apocalypse, his unicorn, he was both shocked and frightened at the scene he came back to. Anubis hd lost control of his blood lust and thus lashed out again his human follower's and, when he came back, turned on him as well. When Anubis came to, he was horrified at what he had done an begged him for forgiveness, not wanting to lose the only one he had ever loved ad hesitantly he gave Anubis another chance. Many years flew by, Anubis doing everything in his power to make it up to him, doing anything he wanted till finally, he lost control again. Ason, hurt beyond words that he love would not only turn on him once but twice, left him sometime during the night while Anubis was sleeping, fearing that it would only continue to get worse as time flew by.
To this day, he has yet to go back to Anubis, fearing for his own safety and his love's sanity, knowin he pushed him over the edge by leaving him like that but didn't want to be hurt by his loves hand.
Sexuality: gay