Age: 13
Race: Vampire with some Neko genes.
Bio: She is the oldest of her sisters and is always seen wit her trademark sunglasses on. She acts a lot older then she actually is, also being a lot smarter then she lets on, not wanting to get pushed up grades and thus not be in the same classes as her sisters.
Sexuality: Straight
Name: Roxy
Age: 13
Race: Vampire with some Neko genes.
Bio: She is the middle child and the most outgoing untill recently. She had only just recently discovered her sexuality and had confinded with her older sister about it, not sure how their friends would react if they found out.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Name: Maryanna
Age: 13
Race: Vampire with some Neko genes.
Bio: Maryanna is the youngest of her sisters. When se was a baby she was stollen from her parents by Nico and Steve where their orginal intent wasto raise her as a pet for their daughter Alya, who was also a baby at the time. However as they grew, Steve and Nico grew to love her like she was their own daughter and raised her as such, keeping how she really came to them a dark secret. Then one fatefull day, they were out on a family outting to the beach where Steel appeared and revealed the truth behind her coming to the family before leaving. After that she damanded that they brought her to her real family.
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: [Maryanna, Roxy, and Ophelia from left to right]

Father: Kaden
Mother: Aiden