Age: 18
Race: Human
Height: 5'11"

Bio: For as long as he can remember, he was in a science lab, his father being on of the main scientists and thus did a bunch of expirments on him top make him stronger, faster, and smarter then your regular human, even a body builder. When he reached 12, he had hit puberty. The day started out like a normal day, the guards coming to take him from his room only this time instead of taking him to the main lab they took him to Snadien's private quarters. Confused by this, he looked up at the guards, softly asking them what was going on. He got grunts in reply and an order to strip and lay on the bed. He silently did as he was told, his confusion growing by the second not even noticing that they were strapping him to the bed till it was too late, injected him with something and left without a word. As the second's ticked by he felt his body growing hotter and hotter to the point where it was unbarble and that was when Snadien came in, only wearing a robe which he easily shed and took advantage of the drugged and tied up boy. Many more of the sesions followed and each time he tryed to fight off the guards only to fail and end up with even more of the drug in his system. After about a year or so, the sessions moved from Snadien's quarters to the main lab where it would be easier to decive him into thinking he wasn't going to be raped. When he was 16, he watched curisouly as a sedated Kwang Ho was dragged into the main lab where he was, Snadien having just finished with his daily injections. Over the months he continued to observe the ninja from a distance, having been told by his father to stay away from him. Though that didn't stop him. He liked to rebel in anyway he could after all and what better way to then to start up a relationship with the one his father wanted him to stay away from? Though he was carefull to keep what he was doing a secerte from the guards and different scientists. he did what he could to help him through the different experiments, having grown immune to them himself.
Sexuality: Gay