Race: Neko
Height: 6'4"
Age: lost track but thinks to be around 26

Bio: When he was 4 his mother abandonded him in an alleyway. The little neko, being confused as to why he was just left there trying to follow her but she told him to stay and vanished without a trace. Once it sunk in that she was gone he began to panic, franticly chasing her only to bump into someone. He soon found out the persons name was Vincent and offered him the chance to join his little clan of those abandonded. Lazaro egarly accepted, wanting to be part of a family and was given the name Lazaro Vincent, seeing as how every member of the clan had Vincent as their last name. For many years he was the top 'scavanger' of the clan due to his neko genes and stealth abilities. One day, he was sent to the rich side of town on a highly classified mission, to seek out the rumors of a powerful halfbreed living in the alleys and if they were, bring them back to the clan. The mission had for the most part had been a sucess, minus a small skirmish with the blackcoats which they managed to evade. Once back at the main base he took the halfbreed to their main healer, Skaara, to get looked over before being taken to speak with Vincent. Over the years, while he had been gaining status in the clan and within the last couple of years landed the spot of Vincent's right hand mand, he had been secretly growing feelings for Skaara but never acted on them untill Shadow decided to take matters into her own hands; sick of how they had feeligns for eachother but would never admit it. So she set them up at the beginning of one of their heat cycles. Needless to say, they were mated before the week was out.
Sexuality: Gay
Mate: Skaara