Name: Millicent Vande
Race: Half Vampire Half Diclonius
Age: 21
Number of Vectors: 48
Range of Vectors: 24 meters
Hair- long light blue with natural crimson tips
- normaly has it tied back in a low pony tail, has it braided from time to time
Eyes- a very deep sapphire in colour, close to onyx in colour
Skin tone- very fair, a pale ivory, her skin looking as if she never spent a day outside in the sun
Shirt- a croped top, made of black silk, with long billowy sleeves, the neckline being a low v neck, reaveling a good portion of cleavage.
Bottoms- see picture =/ can't describe it xD
Cloak- a black trench coat with a deep hood
Shoes- thigh high platform spiked boots
Other- crimson silk ribons to hide her horns, a belly botton ring, corset lacing style surface pericings all up her spine, a dubble nape pericing, her left ear is full of different style of pericings where as he right has a rather large spacer in it, her right eyebrow is perced, her tounge is periced, she has a snake bite lip pericings, the bridge or her nose has a double percing, and a bull nose ring. She just recently got silver spikes implanted along her spine in the spaces from her spinal surface pericing.
Height: With her boots: 6'2"
Without them: 5'8"
<two pics of her i drew, and all the different shadings is pencil >> *doesn't really like coloring in my artworks* xD i think they look better in nutral color schemes then i actuall color

Bio: She is a result of a rape, her father being Samal, the head of the Vande clan and her mother a human infected with the diclonius gene. After having killed her own mother at brith floated from orphange to orphange, always getting kicked out because of the mixture of her vampiric bloodlust and her natural hate for the human race from her diclonius genes. When she was ten, already looking like a full grown adult, her body count numbered in the hundreds and her bloodlust only grew as she grew older, masacuring small towns and soon moved on to larger ones. Now a days her body count is in the thousands, only leaving a trail of distruction in her wake as she pretty much led her bloodlust run wild, no one having ever taught her any different.
Sexuality: Pan