LOL!! I love my little stories! whee My evil sister for once has been giving me ideas, because of my writer's block. And maybe because I don't have as much time as I once did. (stupid school!) -sigh- I really hate school. xp I really hate my teachers. (except my social studies teacher!) I really hate MY school. Ugh!!!!!! scream
.......................................................... OK! whee LOL my sister thinks i'm a dork. ( dont laugh Zenoka! mrgreen )
Chapter 12: Love, Peace,......... and Hate.
* Aw poor Shadow!
Is Shadow...... dead?? I'd love to tell BUT I'm sure your wanting to know what Link's group is doing, AM I RIGHT? xd
Link: Man...
Tails: Something wrong?
Link: Oh... I just got one of my Something-bad-has-just-happened feelings. But don't worry about it.
* let's just call it SBHJHF........ whee I love this emotion... whee whee whee
Tails: Ok Link. But if you get another SBHJHF then i'm going to be concerned-
Link and Tails: Wha- eek
Amy: EW! I think it's a dead body!!! EW EW EW EW!
Link: - burst out laughing - That's not a dead body-
Tails: Uh... thats really gross.
Link: What that?! Pbth I've seen grosser. It's like some mummy monster. Do not touch please-
Amy: EW! Tails! Poke it with a stick!
Link: rolleyes Did you guys just hear me-
Tails: Ok Amy! - pokes with stick -
Link: ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING????!!!! scream
Mummy: uhhhhh...........
Amy: AH! It.... It's getting up!
Link: Ok don't move and don't make a sound-
Mummy: UHHHH!!!! evil
Cresselia: Hey you guys what are you-
Amy: RUN!!!! burning_eyes burning_eyes burning_eyes
Link: Ugh... - stabs mummy -
Link: Wha- My sword is stuck! - tries to yank out -
Mummy: UH!! stressed - lifts giant sword above head -
Link: ! uhhhh! you guys! A LITTLE HELP?! eek
???: - aims bomb arrow -
Link: Whoa thanks!
???: I wasn't aiming for the mummy.
Link: Hey I think your-
Amy: Silver! -hugs -
Dark Silver: - pulls out knife - Give me the chaos emerald, and I'll spare her life.
Amy: Help! Link do something!
Link: - pulls out sword - Leave her alone!
Tails: Link he wants a chaos emerald!
Link: ...... Fine. - hands emerald -
Dark Sonic: Heh heh. fools!
Just about when he was going to kill Amy, a ball of light came toward him. As he fell to the ground so did the chaos emerald. As fast as she possibly could, grabbed the emerald and fled.
Link: Who just took the emerald?!
Tails: I'm not sure. I couldn't see their face.
Amy: Silver are you ok?
Silver: Ugh.... ow my head.... - rubs head -
Cresselia: That is one of my powers.
Amy: So he was-
Cresselia: Yes. He had a Black Gear with in him.
Link: Silver. Do you remember who did this to you?
Silver: Well, I was guarding the mirror chamber, when all of a sudden this.... evil hedgehog came and threaten to... well I guess he wanted the mirror pieces extremely bad. But I have know idea what for. exclaim Oh no the Mirror Chamber!! It's unguarded! I have to-
Amy: No. Your going to stay here and rest!
Link: I have a feeling that Sonic guy has something to do with this!
Tails: Sonic....
Cresselia: ................. I don't think the hedgehog took the mirror pieces. If he did the world would be in twilight.
* Now do you know why my title is Twilight Pixi?? smile
Link: Your right. Maybe... Maybe he's waiting for us...
Amy: Hmm... I doubt it. Sonic isn't the type of guy who well... stands in one place for more then a minute.
* Very true... 3nodding
Tails: Amy's right. He probably went somewhere else.
Silver: But... then what did he want from me? All i had was a chaos emerald. But I don't think he would take that.
Everyone: WHAT? eek
Silver: Jeez! Did I say something wrong?
Amy: YOU HAD A CHAOS EMERALD?! - shakes -
Silver: Y-Yes! God what's wrong with you guys?
Link: Do you have it now?!
Silver: Uh... actually yes. Right here. - show emerald -
Everyone: YOU STILL HAVE IT?! eek
Silver: Well of course! I always keep a fake one around. Heh heh they fall for it every time.... xd
Tails: No way! That's great!
Link: Yeah that's really great. But it's to bad we got ours taken...
Amy: Yeah... sad
Tails: But who was that who took it?
Cresselia: ..... I think we will find out soon..
Meanwhile back at Hyrule Castle...
Soldier: Zelda! We can't hold them off much longer- UGH! - gets stab -
Zelda: Wha-What do you want?? confused
Ganondorf: I want... Hyrule! - Grabs - And your going to help me! twisted
Zelda: Unhand me this instant! - electrifies -
Ganondorf: Ugh! Now don't be like that!
Zelda: Link and Sonic will stop you!
Ganondorf: They don't stand a chance! Dark Sonic! Take Zelda to her prison!
Dark Sonic: As you wish master. -smirks-
Zelda: Stop! Please stop!
Dark Sonic: Shut it Zelda!
As they went down to the prison cells, Zelda got an idea.
Zelda: ( I haven't tried it yet, but it might work. I don't want to hurt him but I may have to take that risk... )
Dark Sonic: ...............
Zelda: ...... - smiles -
Dark Sonic: What are you smiling about?? stare
Zelda: Well.... - shoots a ball of light -
Dark Sonic: Gah!
Zelda: Sonic! I have given you your light, soul, and spirit back.
Sonic: ........... I-I- I feel so relieved. - looks up -
Zelda: - smile - I am glad to here that.
Sonic: But I have no idea who you are.
Zelda: I expected that... sweatdrop I am Princess Zelda.
Sonic: Well, it's nice to meet ya! I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! - thumbs up - wink
* Yay Sonic's back!
Sonic: Yay i'm back!
But i'm sure your wondering what happened to Shadow of course. Sonic obviously escaped... but will Shadow get help in time? There's only one way to find out......
To be continued..........
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The story of how Sonic and Link met ( and other stuff )
This is the story of how 2 world famous video game characters met for the very first time. As well as other things.... =o
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