( I'm not making it having anything to do with the real story.... FYI!)
( and i'm also sorry if you don't celebrate christmas. I couldn't think of a way to leave the characters without doing christmas. Sowwy.)
Bonus Chapter: A White Christmas indeed!
On the planet Mobius...
" Aw look Sonic it's snowing! " said Amy with a wide grin on her face.
" Yeah yeah, like I haven't seen snow before... " said Sonic with a smirk.
" But this time it looks like diamonds! It's beautiful!"
" Whatever you say Amy..." Sonic said with a sigh.
" HEY YOU GUYS! GUESS WHAT!" said Tails all of a sudden.
" Oh what is it Tails???!" said Amy a little annoyed.
He took out what looked like a Christmas card with a triforce on it.
" We got a letter from Zelda and Link!"
" Wow that was thoughtful of them.." said Sonic with a smile.
" Tails will you please read it to us?" said Cream with Cheese in her arms.
" Ok ok! -ahem-......
Dear Sonic and friends,
Everyone at Hyrule would like to wish you a very merry christmas, or hoildays!
We hope you enjoy our gifts, and we hope to see you soon!
Dear Sonic,
Dude you HAVE to race me sometime! I just got Epona trained and she's gotten much faster! Don't chicken out on me! wink
Zelda and Link
"Hehe that Link....He doesn't stand a chance." said Sonic rolling his eyes.
"Tails open the gifts!" said Amy with much enthusiasm.
"Alright! " said Tails opening the large box.
Inside the large box was a teeny tiny box.
" UM...... what is this supposed to be??" said Tails confused.
" It's tiny!" said Amy.
" Well it's the thought that counts right?" said Cream.
Sonic went up to Tails and looked at the box curiously. Then without a second thought he opened the box.
" It's.... empty?!" said Tails.
" Nah look closer. " said Sonic with a big grin on his face.
Suddenly a little pixie flew out of the box onto the tip of Sonic's nose.
" Heh heh. "
" Hey it's a little pixie! i wonder if it'll grant wishes..." said Amy.
"Hey there's a note! " said Tails.
Hey Sonic, I just wanted you to have a little friend of mine. I think Amy might enjoy it too. It'll grant ONE wish. Only one and no more. Please take care of it.
Happy Holidays.
~ Link
"OOOOO!" said Amy, her face beaming.
" Aw great. What are you going to wish for Amy?" said Sonic.
" For me to fall in love with you? For me to marry you?"
" Hmmm,.... Nope!" said Amy smirking.
" I'm not going to make a wish."
" Huh?" said Sonic.
Then, Tails giggled and put a mistletoe between Sonic and Amy.
" Uh....."
" Hehe!"
Then with a bright blue blushing face, Sonic bent over and kissed Amy.
" O,O"
" Wow Amy, your face is redder then Knuckles! " said Sonic still blushing.
" I suppose it is... " said Amy a little dazed.
" Merry Christmas you guys. " said Cream.
" Merry Christmas to YOU too!" said everyone.
Samus's starship.
" So anyway, I blasted his brains with my awesome JUMP KICK!" said Snake.
" You've told me this story a BUNCH of times already! " said Samus Aran.
" But it's always better the 123rd time!" said Snake with a grin.
" Ugh.... Men....." said Samus annoyed. She stormed out of the room without looking back.
" But I haven't gotten to the best part!" yelled Snake.
" Bleh.... He's sooooo annoying". Then with a sigh, " I sure wish Master Chief was here- "
She stopped as soon as she saw HIM down the corridor. Her face turned all sorts of colors. " Oh my god there he is! " she thought.
" Hey Samus. " said Master Chief while walking up to her.
" H-h-hi Chief! " She said saluting him.
" How's your date? "
" Huh what??"
" That Snake guy."
" OH he's NOT my date!" she said, her face turing red.
" Ok whatever you say... " Said Master Chief, his helmet titling in a joking motion.
" ............ stressed "
" Hey since he's not your date, mind if I take be yours?" said Chief.
" UH SURE WHY NOT?!" said Samus, as happy as can be.
" Heh okay then. " said Master Chief reaching to hold her hand.
Oh my god he's holding my hand! I hope i'm not blushing to much..." Samus thought.
" HEY SAMUS!" yelled Snake.
" Ugh what do you want??"
" Why are you hanging out with that punk??"
" What?! For your information he's my date!"
" Oh..... Then...... Well I'll always love you still! I'll never give up our love!"
" What?!!!" said Samus.
" Hehe looks like he's got a little crush on you." said master Chief.
Just then a metroid appeared.
" I'll handle this- Huh?" said Samus shocked to see a mistletoe hanging from it's claw things.
The metroid dangled it just above Samus.
" You know what that means..." said Master Chief.
" Sorry buddy she's mine!" said Snake.
" Aw great.... =_=" said Samus
" On a count to three..." said Chief, taking off his helmet.
" One"
"two" Said Snake.
"You guys can't be serious right! Fighting won't solve anything-"
" Three!" They both said. They both gave her a kiss on each side of her cheek.
" Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!" said Samus, blushing like crazy.
" Merry Christmas Samus!"
" And Happy Holidays to YOU to!"
Castle courtyard.
" Another Christmas alone..." said Meta Knight with a sigh.
" I feel like the grinch. " He's said lowering his head.
" Ugh who could that be??"
Meta Knight walked towards the door and opened it.
" HiiiiiI!" said Kirby with a big smile on his face.
" Oh it's YOU....." said Meta Knight.
Kirby rushed into his house, and looked around the room.
" ......." a pause from Kirby.
" Well can I help you?" said meta Knight a little uncomfortable.
Then with a frown, " Tree?" Kirby said.
" I don't but those things up."
He gasped. Then, he smiled and started to EXHALE.
" W-w-what are you doing?!"
Kirby then spit up a giant Christmas Tree!
" Kirby...." said Meta Knight.
" Aha!" said Kirby. He took out a card and gave it to Kirby.
" Uh?"

" Um why thank you Kirby.... What the-?!"
Suddenly jumped up and gave meta knight a BIG hug.
" Mewwy Cwismas Meta knight!" said Kirby as cute as can be.
" Hehe Merry Christmas to YOU too.. " said Meta Knight, nodding in approval.
Community Member
-also lols at masterchief+samus+snake-
snake is awesome in brawl.