Chapter 22: Dark Rose
Sonic: Amy are you ok- *gasp*
Shadow: You're too late hedgehog! -evil grin spreads across his face-
Sonic: AMY! surprised -sees her on the ground-
Mario: -throws fireball at sonic-
Sonic: Hey watch it Mario- MARIO?!
Mario: twisted
Sonic: N-not you too!
Shadow: Kill Sonic.
I watched Mario comes toward me with violent swinging motions. Am I too late? Is this.... the end?
" Link please! " said Zelda.
" There is no way I'm apologizing to the blue hedgehog thing! " said Link scowling.
" If you don't, then you'll feel guilty for the rest of your life! "
" You guys.... I feel like something bad just happened... " said Tails. They all turned to Tails.
" What do you mean Tails?" said Peach.
" I mean.... I just feel like we should look for Sonic.... He might be in trouble! Or worse..." said Tails with a bit of fear in his voice.
" Oh please... That guy is full of himself- "
" Link stop it! " stressed said Zelda. Her face showed that she was done with Link's rude remarks.
There was a long, cold silence that was soon broken by a shrill scream in the distance.
"W-w-w-what was that??" said Luigi, almost peeing his pants.
"That sounded close...." said Cresselia.
"Then we ought to find out what it was." Said Link with much determination.
"Yes.... We should." said Zelda.
They walked off in silence. The only noise that came out of them was their heart beating and the hoarse breath they drew every view seconds.
Tha thump.
Tha Thump.
It's getting closer.
Tha thump.
A sudden screech filled the air. It sounded as if someone was being tortured or killed. Everyone had a horrible expression on their faces. They could only imagine the bad things that are coming towards them.
Tha thump.
I can't protect them much longer.
Tha thump.
Another screeched filled the air. This time it was closer.
Tha thump, tha thump, tha thump.
Their hearts were beating faster now.
"Link I'm scared. " Said Zelda, her voice cracking.
He grabbed her hand. "It'll be alright..." His voice sounded just as determined as it was before.
Tha thump.
Their hearts were practically coming out of their chests.
Tha thump.
They all turned around when they heard Peach scream. Pure horror spread across their faces.
It's here.
To be continued...
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The story of how Sonic and Link met ( and other stuff )
This is the story of how 2 world famous video game characters met for the very first time. As well as other things.... =o
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