Sonic goes after Amy after hearing her cry out, and Mario suffers a fate by Shadow the Hedgehog.
Chapter 23: Illusion
The horizon was always a pinkish yellow in the morning. That always told me what time of the day it was. But today something weird happened. At 9 a.m. is was dark.
At 10 a.m. it was as black as midnight. And at 11 a.m. He came.
Sora: UGH This is so weird!
He glanced at the sky and sighed.
Kairi: Tell me about it. sad
Riku put his hand on Kairi's shoulder and rubbed it soothingly.
Riku: Hey it could be worse.
Sora: Oh yeah? How.
Riku: We could all die.
Sora: Oh... well yeah duh.
Tippi: I believe we have some duties to take care of.
Sora: Hahaha you said duties-
Tippi: Shut it.
Sora: ......
Kairi look up. The moon sure was beautiful tonight. But she missed the sun. She longed for the warmth to come upon her skin. Well, she at least missed getting a tan.
Tippi fluttered along side Sora. She thought about Mario. She thought about how hurt he probably is. He could be in trouble. She had to hurry or it would be to late.
Too bad it was.
Sonic: Amy!
He looked franticly. He started picking up rocks that weighed more then he did.
He climbed trees that looked like they would lead him up to space.
Where could she be he thought.
Shadow: You're too late hedgehog.
Sonic: Shadow! Boy am I glad to see you! Have you seen Amy??
Shadow: Yes. twisted
Sonic: Really?! Where is she??
Shadow grinned. His fangs stuck out longer then they usually did.
Sonic looked at him. He knew something wasn't right.
Sonic: Shadow.... Are you okay?
Shadow: Sonic the hedgehog. I have an order I must fufill.
Sonic: Oh.... Um what's your order Shadow?
Sonic clenched his fists.
Shadow: Hehehe.... GanondorfgavemetheordertokillyouandseehowLinkresponds.
Sonic: What??-
Shadow jumped up and held Sonic by the throat, laughing as he did it.
Shadow: You didn't hear me?
Sonic tried to grab Shadow but he was too strong.
Shadow: I said..... Ganondorf gave me the order... To kill you.... and see how Link responds...
Sonic: You.... you're not Shadow!
Shadow: Why would you think that Sonic?
Shadow pointed to his back. A black gear was sticking out of him.
Sonic: Shadow are you okay?! You have to snap out of it!
Shadow: Sorry Sonic. But I can't let you live.
He pulled out a sword, the one that Link always carried.
Sonic: The master sword! What did you do to Link?!
Shadow: He's gone. And so is all your friends. All thanks to you.
Sonic: N-n-n-no.... NO!
Tears filled Sonic's eyes. He couldn't let this happen. He wouldn't let it end like this. He had to think fast. But that's not a problem for Sonic right everyone?
Shadow: Syonara Sonic the Hedgehog!
To be continued....
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The story of how Sonic and Link met ( and other stuff )
This is the story of how 2 world famous video game characters met for the very first time. As well as other things.... =o
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