* ..........
Chapter 11: Tracking Celebi
Shadow: ..........
* He's in one of his " moods ".
Rouge: Ummm.... ( It's so quiet.... )
Knuckles: So.... how's everyone doing?
Darkrai: ...........
Midna: Well I'm do'in great, Thanks for asking! xd
Rouge: So um Midna... How much longer until we find it?
Midna: Find "it"? You mean "her".
Rouge: No I mean "it".
Midna: I know. "it" is "her".
Rouge: But how can "it" be "her"!?
Midna: Because "she" is not an "it" and "it" is not a "her" which makes "it" not a "it"....?
Rouge: I'm not saying "it" is a "her"-
Knuckles, Darkrai, Shadow: Shut up! stressed
Midna and Rouge: .... Well sorry! confused
Shadow: You guys are seriously giving me a head ache.
Darkrai: Just hurry up and show us the way Midna.
Midna: Well you could be a little more polite! - smirks -
- trees shake -
Knuckles: ! Did you guys here that??
Rouge: What are you talking about Knuckles?
- wind blows hard -
Shadow: ...... Now I definitely felt that.
Darkrai: I sense a presents.... an evil presence...
* zOmg! Is it Celebi...
???: heh I got them right where I want them...
- jumps out and attacks-
Shadow: Ruuuuah! - punches hard -
??? : Oooof! - falls to the ground -
Rouge: Hey that was Sonic!
Knuckles: Did you.... kill him?
Midna: Well he isn't breathing that's for sure...
Shadow: No I don't think he's-
Dark Sonic: HUUUAH! - stabs Shadow with knife -
Shadow: Ughh.............
Rouge: SHADOW!
Midna: Whoa I didn't see that coming! eek
Darkrai: - shoots a ball of energy -
Knuckles: - grabs Dark Sonic -
Dark Sonic: Heh..... You.... Can't .... Win....
Knuckles: Shut Up! Your not the Sonic I once knew... Your.. your our enemy now...
Rouge: Oh Shadow!!
Shadow: - gasps for air - I .... I...
Rouge: Oh Shadow don't leave us!
To Be Continued...
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The story of how Sonic and Link met ( and other stuff )
This is the story of how 2 world famous video game characters met for the very first time. As well as other things.... =o
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