little rain is happy yeses

and I am happy because I made it to part 14 but I am sad

becuse school will end soon and I shall be sad yeses cry
but I'm sure you don't care
oh by the way I'm sorry for the cliff hanger I left you guys with last time..don't hurt me because of that yeses
but oh well heres the story for ya it might not be that much but I'll try to get in as much as I can kay kay
Zetsu glared at him,only ot have the leader laugh at his glare.
"whats so funny!?"Zetsu shouted
The leader took a step in the room and looked around.
"nice place Sazuna"he said pleasently
"get to the point NOW!!"Zetsu shouted his grip on sazuna becomeing tighetr and more protecive.
The leader looked at him.
"now now zetsu...if your so in a rush why didn't you keep our deal you could have been in here with her alone without my interuption."
"deal?"Sazuna asked barly above a whisper.
"oh she doesn't know?"the leader asked as he picked up a picture of zetsu and sazuna.
"know what?"Sazuna asked "zetsu whats going on?"she began to start pulling away from him.
Zetsu tired to hold her but she finally pushed so hard he almost fell off the bed.
The leader laughed again.
"would you rather I tell her Zetsu?"
Zetsu looked at him then back up at Sazuna who was obvioulsy mad at him for hiding something from him.
"he was going to kill Kiname"The leader said bluntly
"What?!Zetsu!?"Sazuna shouted shocked "after the promise we made her to keep her try and kill her why?!"
Zetsu looked at her with a gulity expression.
"If I didn't he would have killed you Sazuna I couldn't let hi..."
"It doesn't matter!..My life doesn't matter compared to the promise we made to her!"
Zetsu stared at her in shock.
"she's right"the leader chuckled and don't forget a deal is the same as a promise"
He appered behind sazuna his hands arouns her neck chocking her.
"Zetsu?"she gasped as her voice died on her.
"Sazuna!"he shouted going to hit the leader but missed as the leader dissperd to re-apper by the door his hands still around the weaking Sazuna.
"let her go NOW!!!!!!!"Zetsu shouted.
"your remeber or deal....she dies inless kiname still have time our you going to take it or not?"
Zetsu looked at sazuna who was shaking her head.
"well...?"the leader asked again his grip tighting causing Sazuna's knees to buckel under her making it to where the leader was basicly hanging her.
Zetsu froze as he looked at the gorund.
"times running out"the leader reminded him.
Zetsu looked at him..
"I...."he cut off as Sazuna smiled at him tears streaming down her face.
and yes I'm mean anough to leave you here so muahahahahahahaahaha
get over it I controll teh wrighting but if you leave me comments perrty pertty comments then I'll wright more till i get a comment no more kay kaylove ya all you loyal reader of mine heart
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