I am not so happy for reasons some know and some don't and it'd be better if they didn't so don't really expect much out of me today but I'll trey to wright as much as I can..kay kay ^_^
so anyway.................oh yeah by the way the random anime person of today is uhhh hold on
The random girl is Rosette christopher off of chrono crusade

and the boy is...
all around most frav of fravs good boy Tobi yeses 3nodding

but anway onward to get off the cliff hanger hehe
Zetsu stared at her.
"but Sazuna...why?"He asked.
Sazuna just kept smiling but it faded as The leader's grip tightend on her neck.
"No..what will you do kill the demon charmer b***h or let your lover die?"
Zetsu glared at him but he trailed down to see Sazuna had passed out.
Zetsu froze.
He had no idea what to do..he had little time and a big desicon to make.
his loevr was dieing in the arms of a man he hated and could do nothing to make him let her go.the only way to make him stop was to kill a girl he coudl really careless about but had told him very clearly I don't want to die but kill me if you must.and even if he did kill kiname to keep Sazuna alive,she'd hate him forever..either way the outcome was bad and...he's trail of thought vanished as he heard the leader start laughing.
"so you choose for her to die?"
Zetsu's anger rose and he want to hit teh elader but stopped as something grey and hard came down and hit the leader knocking him out.
Zetsu looked at the one who had hit the leader.
"TOBI!?"Zetsu shouted.
"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh"Tobi whined "I'm sorry leader sir-san don't hurt tobi please don't hurt tobi tobi didn't mean too Tobi swears"
Zetsu couldn't help but laugh.
"Tobi I love your stupidness"he said walking over to sazuna.
Then the seriousness of teh situation returned to him he bent down and checked Sazuna's pulse..
her ehart was still beating.
"Thank goodness"he whisperd.
"Tobi didn't mean to Zetsu-san tobi means it..I slipped and.."
"It's okay tobi"Zetsu ensured him.
He picked Sazuna up andh eaded for teh door as fast as he could tobi tagging along behind.
and yes this is less then last time but sorry I..uhh yeah leave me a comment and I'll wright more kay kay
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