I am upset because I didn't make show choir..I never make anything ..so lets face it my life sucks and I kinda have no real talent so blih...*thinks about how she'll burn down the high school*
but anyway onward to the story and stuff
"what are you talking about?" Deidara asked as he steeped out of the room.
Zetsu stood up and sighed.
"Nothing deidara..just a stupid mission the leader wants me to do"
"Oh"deidara replied he looked past zetsu then back at him.
"so wheres Sazuna anyway..she's normlly with you?"
Zetsu looked up, the whole fact he had to kill kiname returning to his mind, and the fact he was staring into the eyes of her older brother didn't help.
"I don't know"he lied "Last I saw her she was outside but shes's probrally in her room now"
"Okay"deidara replied"so..what kind of mission do you have to do"
Zetsu froze.
"Assastion"he replied qucikly
"Oh really"deidara said quickly "who?"
shut up please deidara just shut up Zetsu thought
"well..."Deidara held it out of curiosty
"Deidara.....Look at me"Zetsu whisperd
Deidara who was already looking at him just cocked his head.
Zetsu in a flash had punched him in the stomach and knocked him out.
The noise caused Sasori to come out.
"deidara?" he whisperd.."Zetsu what happend?"
Zetsu only replied by taking sasori out too.
He looked into the med room at the sleeping Kiname on the bed.
He took a hestinate step in the room and walked over to her bed.
He looked at the kunai in his hand the one taht had a few mintintes earlier been to Sazuna's neck.
He loked from it to kiname multiple times before finally taking a breath and holding it above her chest.
Kiname's breathing caused her chest to rise and fall everytime it came up it got closer to the balde as if saying I want it.
and in a way it was true she did want death,if the many attempts at suicide didn't prove it ..nothing did...deidara had by some random miracle stopped her every time...she didn't fight him..she just let him stop what ever she tried weither it be,her trying to slit her wrist or hang herslef,or jump to the death off a cliff.
it always ended up with her in tears in his arms apolgizing fifty million times.
Zetsu clucthed the kunai tighter.
If she wanted it so bad why did she let him stop her.
It made no sense at least not to him.
"if you want it..well I'll give it to you kiname"he whisperd.."and this time deidara can't keep you here"
He thrust the kunai downward but stopped short maybe an inch from her body as he heard the soft spoken words of kiname.
"Zetsu....I want to stay here"
His head turned to look at her.
Her face was pale and her eyes half open,with that weak and glazed over look to them.
He wanted to say something,anything to her,but he couldn't find teh words..the right words anyway.
Kiname's eyes moved down to the blade that had almost took her life.
"well zetsu...if you want to so bad..do it..don't just keep holding it there"
zetsu's eyes winded
"kiname?"he whisperd
"yes?" she asked
Zetsu stood up.
He had kiname awake now..making it ten times harder to finish what he had too.
she said she wanted to stay and it was hard anough to kill her when he thought she wanted to die... now to say she wanted to live made it even harder.
He just stared at her.
He watched as a smile formed her on face.
and it was then that he remebered what would happen if he didn't kill her.
Sazuna....his Sazuna would be killed he couldn't let her die..
he picked the kunai up again...but he dropped it as he saw a tear slid down kiname's cheek her eyes now closed expecting him to stab that blade through her heart.
as teh cold metal hit the floor the sound made kiname's eyes open to see a crying zetsu at the foot of her bed.
"Zetsu?"she whiserd
Her head turned to see Sasori and deidara awake in the doorway.
Sasori ran to her sliding to his knees beside her his lips landing on hers in a warm,loving passionte kiss.
Kiname blushed but it faded as she melted into his kiss returning it with just as much passion.
Deidara picked the kunai up and made zetsu look at him.
Zetsu stared at deidara fro a while,before pulling away.
He stood up in a heartbeat and took off out the door heading for the room.
he ran in but it was empty he turned around and headed down the hall but stopped as he saw Sazuna in her room he ran in just as she was sitting up and he grabbed her in a hug.
Sazuna gasped in surprise but smiled as she relised it was Zetsu.
Zestu kissed her gently then held her in his arms.
"I won't let you out of my sight again not ever from this moment on Sazuna..I promise."
Sazuna giggled a little.
"zetsu whats up with the over protection all of a sudden."
Zetsu went to speak but the sound of foots steps behind him made him turn around.
There in the door way was the leader.
muahahahahahaha yes I shall leave you here...so blih get over it..
be happy I wrote alot..I'm not the best of moods..kay
but oh well yeses
and our cast so far...........
this is really close to what Kiname looks like sept there as some diffrences but blih

yay Sasori-danna ^_^

dei Nii-san.^_^

plant man Zetsu-san yay

Yay tobi the good boy..yay ^_^

and as for a pic of Sazuna you gonna have to hang on for a while kay
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