todays random people are
boys(yes theres 2)
Dark and daisuke off of D.N.Angel

and the sisters of D.N.Angel
Riku and Risa

well onward with the story
the leader laughed harder.
"your so pathic...I find it hard to say I fear you."he whisped a slight smirk on his face.
Kiname looked at in shock frist but a slight smirk as well crossed her face.
Zetsu sighed as he continued to stand waiting in the leaders room.
"where is he un?" deidara asked.
Zetsu shrugged
"he's the leader after all who knows"
Sazuna hugged Zetsu.
"I'm tired and Kiname hasn't come back yet..maybe we.."she started
Deidara gasped,which is what caught her of guard and made her stop talking.
"Thats it..he's in the cave with Kiname we have to get back there un I just know thats where he is !!!!"he shouted turning around and heading for the door.
sorry I must cut it off here..but well I just wanted to stop today I wonder will the others beleve deidara and follow him and if they do will they get to kiname..and what will the leader do if kiname still says she doesn't know anything and what if she does nothing something?
please comment for me ^_^
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