Oh wait...were ready?
Rain: *waves* It's a pleasure my dears for me to welcome you to my newest addition to my journal. An Idea I came up with only because of how close the roleplayers I share my time with and I are. Were friends. :3
Basic idea is we live under one roof. Sharing not only our time but our lives. Trust me, life is about to be turned upside down and people are gonna get hurt, people are gonna cry. PEOPLE WILL BE KILLED! O-o
Okay no I'm just kidding. I'll be nice to them. Well I'll try >:3
Wooo Legal stuff XP (not really but blih)
The way I protray everyone is by my opnion only. I mean it all in good humor so don't sue me or hurt me. I sorry. Just laugh. *readies her marshmellow gun* Do it. evil
Comment if you want. Actually tell me what you think and what i need to fix and what you like me to keep. ESSPECAILLY if your one of the chacs in the story :3
My spelling is terrible T^T I'm sorry.
The layout.
The living room and the top floor. (AKA the boys floor)

The ground floor and the girls floor as well as the kitchen :3

The backyard. >< Snez's place as well ;3 you'll see why Xp

Now that you know the land my dears. Let us start this story...
From what I've heard...Their just moving in...
~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter: 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The sun was shining, a cool breeze over the land, and yet the moods of the new comers to the house couldn't be further from their surroundings.
"Welcome to my humble abode!" Rain stood outside of the house ushering the group in. In front stood the more then okay with it iKarnezar. A huge smile on his face and a "bring it on" attitude he walked towards the house with a brave strut.
Rain watched him curiously.
"What are you doing?" she asked as he put his hand on a small knife he had brought with him. "Being prepared" He whisperd in response. The kangaroo dragon tattoo on his arm shone in the light as he crept toward the door and pushed it open. He was met...by nothing.
Rain sighed as she pushed him into the house. "Your room is upstairs. Go unpack."
Ikar's head popped out and looked at her. "My stuff is the car though"
"I don't care! GO UNPACK!" She shut the door on him and turned with a bright smile to the others.
They stared at her with kinda spooked expressions.
Rain cocked her head. "Well come on." She waved towards the house with her hand.
The 2nd one to start walking towards the house was Senzykyo. Holding his luggage in his hands and carrying a could care less expression he walked towards the door. Rain stood infront of it and smiled up at him.
"Nope, you live out back" She pointed to the side of the house. She started to push him towards the door but stopped as he gave her a questioning look.
"What?"Rain huffed. "Your a science lover, make a huge lab back there are something. " she pushed him hard towards the side of the house. She turned to the others and went to speak but a roll of thunder made her stop. She glared at the sky then let it fall on the remainder of the group. "Get in" she growled.
The others piled into the house as Rain made sure everyone was inside. She walked in and did a head count. Pushing a button on the wall a buzz sound filled the house.
"SENZ!" she shouted. "You set in your house?"
There was a silence.
"I'm fine! What do you want?"
"Okies ^w^"
Rain turned and pushed a button on the wall causing the entire house to go into a lock down. Covered from roof to ground in thick iron.
Ikar, who had been trying to climb out the window to get his stuff was taken aback by the sudden iron threatning to kill him. Jumping for his life he hit the ground but surprisingly didn't get hurt. He stared up at the sealed house and whined. "What the hell did she do?" He walked to the front of the house where the huge van that had brought them here was sussope to be seating. It, however, was gone. On the front lawn sat his luggage sprawled across the yard and just in time for the rain.
Back in the house, the group now sat on the round couch , Only becuase Rain wouldn't let them go upstairs.
"I'm so glad you guys came. I mean, who would have guessed you all did. I'm soooo happy >w< "
"You burned our houses down Rain!" Dante shouted at her. "even our distance relations."
Edgar interuppted him."Actually, she didn't burn ours, It started with a weenie roast and turned into a huge burn the house down party. I couldn't help but...help?""
Aby nodded in agreement beside him.
Dante glared at them. "Boo you. She threatend to burn all of california if we didn't come here"
Aku who had found his amusement in the game systems surrounding the Tv found himself not paying attetion to the others or their fussing. Silmarwen sat beside him watching him for a moment before looking over at Dante and Edgar who were now at each others throats. She sighed and turned back to Aku poking him on the shoulder and pointing towards them.
Aku looked at them but the sound of a game over screen made him look at the screen just in time to see it say game over before fading back to the main screen. His eyes wide, his mouth agape. He stared at the screen for what seemed like you forever.
Everyone was staring at him but that soon changed as he began to shake and tackled Dante. "You made me loose!"
"I did not! It's not my fault you suck at them!"
"Shut up RepubliQuinn!"
"Where the hell did that come from anyway!?"
"There will be no Republiquinn gundam warlords in my household!" Rain shouted before grabbing Dante by his hair and dragging him to a small room in the far cornor throwing him in. "Time out for you intill you see the errors of your ways and are ready to free yourself of that horrid life style!" She shut the door and locked it behind her. Turning to the others she smiled. "Anyone want tea?"
Meanwhile, Outside Ikar sat on the cement infront of the door using one of his suit cases as a rain shield. He sighed as he looked at his bags all soaked thru and he was sure what was inside of them ruined. He closed his eyes for a moment only to open them a second later as the case above his head was taken from him. Infront of him stood Kangaroo dragon(copyright to Ikar X3 ) holding his suitcase.
It cocked it's head and stared at it before tearing a hole in it and pulling the clothes out and throwing them all over the yard. It put his nose in the hole but quickly pulled it out. A pair of Ikar's boxers stuck to it's head. It let out a scream much like a girl in a horror film and started to run around like crazy.
"Ish kelling mie!" He hit the ground hard and rolled screaming still. Ikar sighed stood up and pulled it off his head and looked at him. "Your real?"
Kangaroo dragon looked up at him and twitched. "Buddha?" It whisperd. It poked his leg before flying away with his underwear saying something about selling Buddha's underwear on ebay.
Ikar hit his knees and sighed.
"Why me..."
I'm to lazy to write anymore. THAT COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER T^T I just know it. I lost my will power to write it somewhere in the middle.
well my dears i hope you enjoyed it and please try and come back and read the next chapter. I'll make it better i promise :3
I would put a preview here but I'm to lazy sorry chickies.
well c-ya next time. XD'
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