Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- suicide is freedom by Fang253
- it's a poem about wanting to die
- And yet they not bare the fang by Fancy Ninja
- "And yet they not bare the fangs" It wouldn't let me type the S in the title
- Fears apon a Scream by I3abyDoII
- this might seem cheesy but it took me along time to write it
- Splinter of Wind by hinaluv13
- The power of pressure is more real than you may think, but if there's someone that will stay by you, you will come through.
- love by rayne the vampire hottie
- random stuff about love
- Beyond the Dark Waters by Broken_Guardian-Auron-
- I wrote this poems right before school. While I was looking at the sky in a February day, I felt the cold air, where I was standing on the 3rd floor balcony. I was thinking of what the lies in a relationship, I was feeling sad,...
- Spring by Shadow-on-a-moonlit-night
- This is a poem about Spring... That's pretty much it. Enjoy!
- Get that for me? by Vampire_Bella_Smith
- This poem is about two girls home-alone
- Forever by bear of the black cross
- something in my heart
- Make Up Mask by Angry_Writergirl
- I wrote this one two hours ago...it explains my current situation
- Like what? by dijayem
- Its like what?
- McDonalds poetry by EvilGreenGummyBear
- this is from the poster in McDonalds over near broadway in el cajon :-) lol i feel like an idiot bc i just stood there and copied it. but i liked it alot soo itz ok :]
- Two Who Venture For Each Other by YinRen
- A Kingdom hearts, soraXriku poem. It starts with Riku's thoughts then goes back and forth between his and Soras thoughts. Someone asked if my other one "Sora's Pure Thoughts" was yaoi and soraXriku but sadly no thats just one I...
- The Battle of Night and Day by Kaylaferret
- I'm bored, tired, and felt like writting a quickie... I realy like it, though.. =P ENJOY
- The lost hope by ShadowNightblaze
- This is really something I just came up with at random but I will tell you one thing in the end they do not go to heaven she's happier in her loves arms than any where's else basically. plz rate something good I think I did oka...