Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Screams of a Heart by BlackTiger7221
- from one of my most confusing days..... why do boys insist on blurting out things that tear us girls apart???
- I Was Sitting On A Hidden Isle by SilvertongueSagittarius
- Yeah, I'm in love. It's gonna kill my art, but whatever. lol It's cute, she liked it, that's all that matters
- Aurarian Evening by FoxHaru
- Wrote this last year, let me know what you think.
- music, my drug by Sinners Will Never Die
- i post my poems on quizilla alot teehee
- Christmastime in the Golden Ag by YourBrainlessBuddy
- There isn't a rhythm to it. I guess it's free verse...
- Isn't This the Moment Where... by Noprincessofpain
- She Scribbles Down Her List? A lyrical poem representing an emotionally manipulative relationship. I'm sure several of you can relate, and if so... God, it sucks. If you've been there, I hope you know not to go again. If you'r...
- Drunk Driving Poem by spacedaydreams
- Wrote this a few years ago and just found it. The consequences of drinking and driving. :x
- We Are Meant To Be by ItsJustMeLexi
- A poem I made for the guy I like.
- Witch Hunt by Paper Mache Dollfie
- Yet another poem I found in my journal. Yay.
- Innocence. by launchpadmcquack13136
- http://lostmystarohsospazticstar.blogspot.com/2012/01/innocence-that-you-have-can-only-be.html
- Heaven by DramaQueenExtraordinaire
- I think of short poems at inopportune times. This is one of them.
- I love you with all I am by Deviant Raine
- For my special someone, Danny. <3