Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Yugimoon: New Destiny by Mizz_Latrell
- This is a sailormoon/yugioh crossover that im working on i have more on
- I am a Zombie Filled with Love by Cyril_ODST
- A Zombie remembers the things that mattered...
- another supermarket doldrum by w0rm buffet
- it needs no introduction////
- tips for living by w0rm buffet
- intro intro intro intrude intro do you realise that I have been here always I just never mentioned it wanna see me do jigs
- Untitled by Dranconian Girl
- This is the first three pages of a book I'm writing. So far, all I've gotten is good feedback, I suppose that's a good thing. However, I'm going to try it out here and see how it goes. Thanks for your time! ^.^
- Freight Academy by xMoonlight_Butterflyx
- A girl named Kara runs away from home, to escape her horrifying past. She has the ability to manipulate fire. A man finds her and tells her about his academy. And that is where her story takes off. Where she finds disaster, hat...
- Freight Academy by xMoonlight_Butterflyx
- 2 chapter of Freight Academy
- The Accident (part one) by Fridge Raid
- Just a little love/action situation...
- Saving My World by E R O T I C S E X T A C Y
- This story takes place in Russia. January 21, 1963. I started writing this during school, and people say it's good. It's not all that I have, I'm not completely finished. But here's the first two chapters.
- Kiss my blood by Azeral-Angel Of Death
- short story (still in progress)
- Heartbreak Row by xXMalice-in-HorrorlandXx
- In The Beginning Poisyn Rose exceptional student at Karin's school for Changlings..but being the top of your class and being the youngest can kinda wear a girl top it of she has a small crush on he...
- Heart Break 1: Dont go... by Leo Domino
- Just somethin I threw together
- Kiss from a Vampire part 2 by Morose Von Helson
- Kanna and Roscoe fled from her mansion the night Vanhouver attacked. But now, there is a new vampire out to win her heart. Will Roscoe win Kanna's before the new victim has his chance to try?
- Finding your place by Say you gay_Ray
- Teenage girls will do anything to fit in. Read this and comment.
- Living In A Hard World VOL.1 by Bibimbappx
- a story about a orphan
- The Witch by Mutandanstan
- some little story that I came up with once upon a time in my mind's eye lolz^^
- Long Lasting Friendship by hq_bowler_chick_14
- this is a story about a long lasting friendship, and how it began
- The Red Letter Chronicles:Pt.1 by _iPenutButtaCrunchi_
- Um, this is my first time publishing my story so... easy on the newbie, alright? It's a Twilight fan-fic, Alice/Roxanne... Oh yeah, Roxanne is my main character! Haha, almost forgot!!! I'm not gonna say what happens, you get...
- Venom (fan work) by tajikistan96
- Venom belongs to paramore2789 I just wrote this for fun. :) And sorry for the weirdness, Paramore2789! Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. This is all whacked up. D: