Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Running with Destination FAITH by glowy5152
- The story is about a tween girl running away from her orpanage. Does she find hope? WILL SHE?
- Let Them Die by kego33
- The world has been infected by a virus and humans are turning into bloodthirsty monsters known as "zombies". When the US Army steps in a platoon of 1000s of solders are sent into the city's of America to kill the infected. But ...
- At Last by olive you most
- It was a dream I dreamt once. You might like it, you might not. I don't care what you write in comments. Just tell me if it needs improvements, something needs to be added, something needs to be removed. Anything! Except spam.....
- Eternal Love by Arrpeggio
- This is a dream I had about 6 weeks ago. I like to draw, so I drew. After drawing, I remembered the dream perfectly and wrote it down. Hope you like it^^
- Scantuary (chapter 1) by Kai_Asura
- A mestery, and a horror that is more then a teen can take
- dark rage light love by inuyasha ikari
- he found his power will he use a terrible rage or save his love
- werewolfs and vamps by Sexual_Socks
- i just made this when i was like 10 and found it in a pile of sheets and thought i would put it in here to see if you like it ^^ it was half finished
- Nakasaki Minako by Ookami Nadiya
- This is the first chapter from one of the stories I'm attempting to write for Vampire Knights the anime. Tried to leave out some parts because of gaia. Please rate and comment, tell me what you think! I think its ok for a Vampi...
- playground fight by Sexual_Socks
- Something i made 3 years ago that i had laying around...
- The white lotus part 3 by Kiri sai
- This is the continuation of my white lotus journal entries due to the fact that my journal has been acting screwy and won't let me put in another entry. Anyhoo, on with the story. P.S. the story is told from a third/first pe...
- The Fire Within by nanookypoo
- Okay, so this is 150% mine, I wrote with my own hands and this is all I'll be putting up do to fear of someone deciding to steal it O____________O Well this way they have to finish it on there own! :P Anyhow, please DON'T ste...
- Paladin of Nature by Dash_61761
- I wrote this for a table top game that my friends are about to start. Just an idea on what they are doing at the current time. It's short but gets the point across on their personality. Maynard is a Centaur Paladin and Necia is...
- The Black Moon by Vampire_Panda14
- This is a Naruto fanfic. I like to write fanfics and i was thinking to myself what if Sasuke had a sister that looked just like him. Well ive been trying to think up of a good name for her. Her personality is almost like mine b...
- Photoshop Creation by lonenightmare
- sasuke my most famous
- in FANTASY, numbers by Vyrania
- Title: 16 characters Plip plip plip... Ifit'seven,maybe... --- -Also posted on DevArt.
- The Perfect Gift by The Sentinel of Purgatory
- Heres another story from 7th.... -hope u like o and i know that its the wrong time but um uhh here!
- Party at Bondi by meobear
- It was just a little get togeather with some friends.. three days later I know it wont be long to wait before my death.
- Let Them Die 2 by kego33
- The world has been infected by a virus and humans are turning into bloodthirsty monsters known as "zombies". When the US Army steps in a platoon of 1000s of solders are sent into the city's of America to kill the infected. But ...
- crimson sky turning human by shigonkuro
- this is from my rpg when he was turning human from the battle and i worked hard on it but since its pretty long i got kinda tired after two hours of writing and trying to fine tune it but i didnt do a very good job.