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Fiction Arena SpotLight
    • Calling The Dark - Part 2 by Holy Bacon of Holy
    • ...part 2 of ETHERwared Humans' prelogue. Well, it may be the prelogue, but it's supposed to be read AFTER the main ETHAwared Humans story. Mirari finally logs in! Oooh, and what happens to her after that?
    • The Weight of War by Haratio TaFotter
    • Anthony Hodgins is like any other boy in the Kingdom of Almia. He knows of the great war that has been going on for a hundred years on the far shores of Daeridia, and his day finally comes when he gets on a ship as a member of ...
    • "The Metal"by casey dowell by Nizely
    • the story is by casey dowell.... he worked hard on this so i want the world to see how good how did. so i am posting this for him! hope you guys like this !!
    • Quest: Problems in Paradise by palkiamaster05
    • its about a dude and a dudette who live underwater and haves to go on a quest to fix his mistake that could possibly endanger, like, the whole world. this was part of a project for english and theres another one about a girl ca...
    • The Forever Of Goodbyes by Metalmouth420
    • a not so happy ending. has soemthing ever happened to you, something you want to be a nightmare, yet you wake up one day, and realize it happened, and there was nothing you could do? well, this is one of those stories.
    • I'm Not a Monster pt 5 by Luna_luna8
    • heres the 5th part. A flashback! It was the screeched and burning of rubber ripping through the asphalt that brought my attention back to the driver and the truck. i hope you like it. plz rate and comment.
    • Pokemon Journey 2 by narusaku4life
    • find out if Sora caught the eve or not and follower her on her journey threw the Shinto region. and if you do not like pokemon DO NOT READ THIS OR LEAVE A COMMENT!!!!!!!
    • RunAway by glowstick13
    • When your heart breaks where does all the love go? When he cracked her ribs, she wasn't sure if they pierced her heart or if he angry words and fists broke it. Either way Sandra had to leave, her father abusive behavior was bad...
    • Love and Betrayal by 318alwaysoncue
    • All was at peace, then evil broke loose. Two siblings reunited, then parted in death and destruction. All was dancing and glee, then sobbing and fear. Not a very heart warming ending, but every story cannot have a happy ending.
    • The Annalisa Affair part 1 by HeraWolf
    • This story takes place in the year 1746. This is about a girl named Annalisa, a young woman who lives in Venice, Italy. Her family is rather poor and they work as servants. All her life, all Annalisa has ever wanted was a bea...
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