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Fiction Arena SpotLight
    • FF Fan-fiction 3 The Loved One by Her Killer
    • Oh my god you are say to your self it is finally here, more fan fiction form one of the best writers. A man who very existence defies the old gods, A man who slays the demons with such easy it has captured our hearts. Could he ...
    • Riot: Chapter 2 by Epic Irony
    • This is the second chapter of a book I'm writing, Riot. I have already posted the first chapter, if you have not read that, please do so before reading this, it will help avoid a lot of confusion.
    • Akira: The Trapped pt 21 by Dolly Akezai
    • yay pt 21!!! :D THIS TIME NEAR THE END YOU CAN LISTEN TO A SONG NEAR THE END! Oh and by the way, COMMENT FIRST! THEN RATE!!! PLEASE! Song name is Bulletproof by Kerli Koiv
    • The Literacy Test by Sakulove
    • Summary: A girl sees a question on the Grade 10 Ontario Literacy Test and it triggers a memory for her. *Completely fictional (For me at least) It was inspired by an answer that my English Teacher told us about on the Li...
    • The Kitsune Katana, Oni Legend by Zack4568
    • This is a book i wrote, its about a boy, Zachoria, and his quest to save Yuki, he's gifted however with the power of the kitsune lord, Inari, to bring justice to the shadow ninja clan. and if you cant tell........kitsune is ja...
    • Can't you see me by Starshine2456
    • This is a song that I wrote for my character Cristy in my book, when she's trying to tell him she dosen't care that he's a monster she loves him. Just so you know Charlie's a shape-shifter. This is when there going to war and h...
    • Magic Dawns Chapter 2 by ll_Lorelei_ll
    • The second chapter to my story Magic Dawns. Seems like Melody is in quite a pickle, will she get out of it? Please comment! I would like to know what people think of my story not only in the form of votes but in the form of typ...
    • MTWNBF by FigureScaitie
    • Moments That Will Never Be Forgotten (this is the title but it wouldn't fit in the title box so i just abbreviated it) I abondoned the other story i was writing and started writing this one. Tell me what you think of it! Thanks!
    • Estev by PanicFan813
    • well, this is part of the other book that goes with Legend Of The Estev Pearl. it tells about Estev and how the Pearl was created. this is the shortened version.
    • Melancholy of Time (pt 2) by Caelum Lupus
    • Hmmm...Yep, part two...at least I think its part two...it's been awhile since I uploaded anything lol. Anyways, -insert the usual comment and rate plea here- you guys know the drill =) Don't be too mean 'kay? Once again, sorry ...
    • Poser stole my man..... by xXxLiL_SHoRTiixXx
    • FICTION....sorry couldn't think of a title...just typed whatever..DJ is the boyfriend's name and Kelly is my friend.. Fake names lol.....POST COMMENT if you liked it or not....its long SORRY
    • Ambition by the sparr0w
    • A story I wrote for English last year. It had to contain a metaphor (one that lasted throughout the story, i forget their proper name) and I can't rmember what else. If anyone can guess my metaphor, I'll give them a hug.
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