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Fiction Arena SpotLight
    • Shambhala- Chapter Two by Houra
    • When her infant daughter is killed Menispermum travels to the city to track down the killer and save the soul of her friend's unborn child. This is the second chapter in an eleven page story, I know it is long but if you choose...
    • The Valley by Io[dream.eater]
    • Uhm, just a story I wrote. The original is in Spanish though, so there might be some translating problems Sorry about that! D:
    • What I do when im with you by rockin elvis
    • this is a story of two young teenagers I just felt to right about if any of you think this is gorse then you are probly really young like 11 or 12 hiding it because this is some ones story out there they might had this experien...
    • I'm Learning. by Amanda
    • This story's a little weird to explain, because it's not completely fan fiction, but it's not completely off the lines of fan fiction. It involves my Psych OC Serenity Spencer, who is Shawn's twin sister. A quick reflective pie...
    • Change of plans by notAgoodSIGN
    • Just another story. I think I will continue this with exitment. Please comment so I can get better for my next chapters and if you can please do so on my other stuff as well I t would make my day much happier!
    • DORK ALERT!-part 1 by BeaniesFTW
    • After the sorta succesful Death is no joke, I'm writing a slightly "lighter" novel that I think will be longer. Don't worry, if you hate murders and what not, this novel is utterly clean. Also, if anyone wants to know, I LIVE i...
    • Rodiki by xXM_Da_KidXx
    • As a boy i always imaged me as a nomal person, you know like a construction worker or a telemarker. I would have never guessed that I would turn out to be in the NPF (Ninja Protection Force). as a Stealth Ninja Opretive. That...
    • Just Another Messed Up Game by N a c h t Fox
    • Tracy is your typical average teen, except for this; he has to escape from some mad scientist who captured him for her experiments. She's giving him a chance to escape, one week. Will he make it?
    • Difficulties by Melanie7307
    • This song I listened to inspired this... Oohs, and this isn't written from personal experience at all. My mind works funny. xD!!
    • My Personal Heartache by Syrithe
    • This is a brief recount on something that actually happened (is happening) to me. I love this guy so much, and I have never felt this way about anyone before . . . This is my heartache.
    • Tears of Snow by InsanityzMuse
    • Well, this is one of my newer works. Its not the greatest. I understand that. Its 100 gold, right? So I decided to post this. Umm... leave comments and please rate it. You can also find this on my deviantart. http://www.tombo...
    • 40 ways to annoy people at HS by LIGHTPIE7
    • Lol, I have decided to take a little break from the serious writing and show people how truly random I really am. This is a list of 40 ways to annoy people at your high school. I have put asterisks next to things I do. I've ...
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