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Fiction Arena SpotLight
    • Pokemon Journey 1 by narusaku4life
    • if you don't like pokemon don't read this. this is a story of a girl who wants to become a pokemon master but her mom won't let her. find out what she does to become that pokemon master!!!!
    • Katakune Tamoku - (Prologue) by Katakune
    • This is story I made up for my fan-character, Katakune. :3 This is the Prologue so y'all can tell what's happening >w< I'll post the first chapter next week, even though I already finished it. o.o AAAND yeah, it's based off of ...
    • Devil's Highway by xX-Rogue-Riddler-Xx
    • Here's the link for the origional story. I thought it was interesting, so I posted it. http://wastelandsofthemind.deviantart.com/art/Devil-s-Highway-92813044 Anyway, I hope you like it.
    • Fate by randomtwitch
    • Just a short blurb from the main character's viewpoint. When certain women die, they become angels of death, whose job it is to kill the humans that the Fates tell them to. The purpose of the Fates is to weave the Tapestry into...
    • Outcast by randomtwitch
    • I wanted to write this, but I'm not sure where I should take it yet. I'd love to hear what you think.
    • BLooDY SILHOUEttE Chap. 54 by Mon Amour Antoinette
    • Sorry that Chapter 54 is out late again!! I'm still sick a little and weak and now I'm at risk for catching influenza b because my brother has it >.< But yeah, here it is!!! I'M SO SORRY IT'S LATE!!!!!
    • Demons Have Beautiful Eyes by Demon Geisha
    • This is a story I wrote about a girl called Alice. She is chosen for a Rebirth ceremony and is now facing the hidden and devistating world of the Demons. Please read with an open mind and give me plenty of constructive critisis...
    • Demons Have Beautiful Eyes:4-6 by Demon Geisha
    • This is the second installment of DHBE. Alice has just met Shana and is now beginning her transformation. Alice is confused, and lots of questions need to be answered. Find out in the next three chapters. Comments are always we...
    • I Choose You... by leandra21
    • Summary:Jaejoong, Changmin, and Junsu's are gay and best friends.Their mothers believe that gayness can be cured by dating decent,pretty girls so they sign them up to be part of a charity auction. Yunho, Yoochun and Tablo are ...
    • Can I help you? by Heartlygirl
    • Is about a young girl named Malissa Benning who is a seventeen year old girl who just can't seem to find anyone to suit her love life. There is magic and love and suspense just waiting for you to sink your eyes in.
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