Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Another crappy day at school.. by Loquacious Tongue
- I don't know what I'm going to write next.
- A Faithful Bond- Chapter One by colorfulwonder
- A short chaptered story about a 16 year-old girl named Addie who lives on a farm in Kentucky. Her father dead from an army explosion, Addie must get to know her mother's new boyfriend Gary Price better, while racing season begi...
- just a story excerpt by pSyChO aPpLe
- this is just a story excerpt i wrote from a novel i'm writing...a random one at that....the forbidden love part.. tell me what you think...i love comments
- The Elf & The Vampire ch 3 by shadow fire19
- The continuing story of Carlos & Mayu. As Carlos and Mayu make their way through the city of Medo and meet an interesting group of people.
- The night of the shooting star by DTDsora
- I lay there staring up at the beautiful sky on a crisp Autumn night under the big red oak tree in my backyard. Once a year the people in the city turn out the lights for the annual night of the shooting...
- The Lazy Day by Monicaluvsu
- Memoir (which means, to you bored readers out there, that this is a TRUE STORY) of a Lazy Day.
- hallowween part 1# practice by Dalton01Baby
- a short story of kind this that has ghouls and monters`
- the frakinwenie by Oshi Mihoti
- its about a geek frankinstine
- And Where Was the Blame? by KeepMeMovingOn
- got some inspiration from Nietzche and the I-Ching. hope you like the story, its a short one but i think theres alot of good content. enjoy.
- Perspective's Prophecies by Eidolon Style
- This is just a short portion of a long chapter I've written in this story. It is due to a company, and officially copyrited on its website.
- Grief in Sinestesia by miss_pachouli
- The Title Says it All. This is just a story I conjured up for a fiction class a while back. Was in a pretty dark time, so it's kind of depressing. But please read it for deeper meaning. Thank you. Please comment!
- “GOOD-BYE” by Candii_Courtney
- its a short story, just soomething im working on, when i say short story i mean....very short. I walked into the living room of the old house. A fire blazing in the large stone fire place, exactly like it was yesterday. The fl...
- The Power of the Moon by ventriloman
- This is a story about a 14 year old with the curse of the werewolf. Its part of a story that i'm working on.
- Dawn chapter one by Puck Takara
- chapter one of a story I guess it will be called dawn I mean not like I have anything else to call it
- The Misfit by Spazzmanian_Devil
- 14-year-old Emma Rodierguiz moves from Italy to a new high school in Michigan! She meets new people (nice and bitchy) So, I hope you like how far I've come with this story
- Diary of a Babylon Rogue by QueenMoonDream
- This is about my fancharacter Avion the Hawk. My first Sonic story series, go easy on me. T_T Anyway, Jet Keisatsu crossover soon too. Anyway, enjoy the 1st part! ^.^
- Chapter Two: Into the City by Black Gipsie
- The second chapter to my story. There are going to be alot of chapters by the way. Please enjoy!
- the eternal sailor by prarydogsrules
- jello pplz i thought of making this story, wen i was doin an assignment for school and decided to try it out and plz comment and let me kno if u lik it
- The Prettiest Broken Girl by Storyteller Seven
- She never stopped fighting them, in her lover's memory. But when he's not a memory anymore, can she still fight?