Fiction Arena SpotLight
- The Disapearing by Da_Cookie_Nomster
- When his mother disappears like half of the population of the united states 15 year old Lalo York must fight to survive this apocalyptic time in present day Chicago. But will he make it, when some one he thought was gone comes ...
- Desperate by xXmiiwrldXx
- I ached for his sweet blood, I wanted to taste it, just a taste wouldn't hurt, would it? Just the thought sent the first ripples of the change through my body, and I retreated outside for a quick run. The short fur on the back ...
- Little Sister. Chpt. 1. by Zoria Rose
- Something I wrote for an RP. But I decided to take it further. Please comment and tell me if you think I should continue with a cht. 2. RATE PLEASE! (I know some comas and spelling is a little off. But please don't break my ...
- Shadow people part 6!!!!!! by narusaku4life
- this is where Kyle fights the man and Rosey fight Ava and Riley hope you like it!!!! :D
- ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Czeph
- I was thinking about war lol=) And this really happened but we didnt make it to champs
- Kiromi's Rythem by B i o N i g h t
- 2nd Kiromi sequal.
- The Untold Side of Love 4 by hello taylorrr
- this is the last of my 3 stories. i was suggested to place this under fiction even though this is a true event. but hey, s story's a story ^_^ enjoy <33
- Living Statue by XK_Mari
- This is a prequel to a story I am planning to write. Tell me what you think!!
- Little Princess-part 2 by I Love Dandelions
- Here is part two of "Little Princess". Enjoy!
- A Change for Good by hello taylorrr
- Ch. 1 a twisting love story
- Solid Snake's CQC Sucks by SolidSidd
- Solid Snake has never used CQC in live combat, so he's a bit rusty at it go to to learn more about CQC. (Close Quarters Combat)
- Emotional Ending by aeusnthaeo
- I'll come up with a story behind all this, but for now, this is all I have, a rough draft, improvved yesterday at school. I suppose I could say I hope somebody will show up one day and ignore my "jerkishness", but I do not tak...
- The day of my death by Rooftops_scream
- Oh wow I am really depressed might as well write about how I would do myself off
- 8th Chapter 2nd Book by Hero Aiyami
- Introducing Hero, a young boy with special gifts, He isn't a normal boy. He is a student in a class for the "gifted". We meet up with his friends and family in an adventure full of magical abilities and difficult enemies. He de...
- Dreamless Part-one by XsagwaX
- I don't remember why I started writing this story but I stayed up all night thinking up new things for the story, it hurts to sit for to long. I didn't get very far yet but it's not always so sad it gets better.
- Tonight by Suicidesoldier#1
- What happened to me one night...
- Unconcious Love Part 5 by CaraBabie
- A love Story about 2 people called Sara and James... PART 5
- Soul Breaker Ch.1 by Soul Breaker Agito
- There is an underground tournament where players fight using weapons known as "Soul Breakers". These weapons come from the user's soul and are only as strong as the owner's will. To win the tournament you must kill every other ...
- Prom Night by kd821995
- A future story of Maru and GB in 3rd/4th year xD JS PROM!! LOL @Maru: I was bored T_T