well I did at the beginning but as I said in them....these are no longer chapters yeses..
Let's see...I have 6 weeks till school is out then I'll be going to 9th grade after summer break....I'll be high school..but I'm sure none of you really care hehe sweatdrop
Today's anime random chac is.....
E for Envy yeses

And of course no envy would be complete without kitty ears.. xp blaugh

but anyway we need to get on with the story yeses...
Zetsu sighed as he wipped the last of the blood off of kiname's face.
He went to speak but stopped as sasori ran into the room.
"Zetsu!!!??..How is she?!"he shouted almost out of breath similar to tobi earlier.
Zetsu"s finger went to his lip.
"quite...you don't want to wake her.....she..needs her rest"he whisperd as deidara came running in.
Deidara ran to kiname's bed side and in one quick glance his anger rose and he's glance turned to Zetsu.
"why'd you let her get beat so bad?!"he shouted his anger rising.
Zetsu sighed once more.
"I didn't...the leader beat her." he explained staring stright into deidara's cold glare.
"and you couldn't stop him!!??"Deidara shouthed in reply
Zetsu looked at him remaing calm.
"deidara..please...don't yell so much you don't want to wake her."
"Why didn't you stop her or stop the leader or something!!!!"
"deidara please...be.."he paused as he saw deidara turn and look at kiname.
He hand was holding deidara's and her eyes were half open and looked galzed over.
"big brother...your giving me a headache."she whispered
"Kiname?"Deidara whispered sitting on his knees next to her bed.
"Are you..alright?"
Kiname looked at him ,up to zetsu then over to stop on sasori.
"I'm...as good as I was before"
Sasori walked over to be next to diedara.
"You don't look any better kiname"sasori whisperd his hand rubbing across her cheek.
kiname smiled.
"Yeah...I know..but...you look as if you just had the scare of your life sasori danna?"
Sasori smiled back.
"I did...when tobi told me you were in here..I...I was worried about you."
"you don't have to worry about me.."she started trying to sit up.
"kiname no..you can't sit up your body's too beat up!"Zetsu shouted
Kiname didn't listen and continued anyway.
Despite the pain she sat up.
"kiname"Deidara whispered his hand on her back holding her up.
Kiname smiled at him but it disspiared as she statred coughing ending up her coughing up blood.
"KINAME!!!"Sasori shouted.
Kiname looked at him but lost consiouncess soon after.
(and..I have to go...so..c-ya next time...bye bye gaians and commet and enjoy my next wrighting entry in akatsuki rokmance..yeses
love ya all
Community Member
characters cough up blood? What's wrong with us? And why am I asking so many questions?!