I decided...to umm..what was it again..oh yeah..
I shall randomly choose a anime dude or dudett depending on my mood..and place them on here
everyday or week or when ever I wright next...there will be new person
but all in all
to you my loyal readers
THIS WEEKS WINNER IS!!!............

xd and you can't have kiba without akamaru

but anyway
onward with the story
..........uhhh where did I leave off again...*sigh*
I can't remeber
..................uhhh STORY!!!!
sweatdrop yeah yeah..I know the story fine here...ruin all the fun..
Sazuna smiled at him and nodded as he picked kiname up.
"hey Sazuna keep the elader busy if he comes around okay?"zetsu said looking out the door.
Sazuna touched his shoulder gently
"I will...just be carful not to get caught "she whispered looking into his eyes
zetsu sighed.
"must you worry so much sazuna?" he joked as he stepped out of the room slowly.
he stopped as he heard sazuna sigh.
he turned and looked at her all.
"I love you zetsu...and..I don't want you hurt..the leaders been losing his temper alot latly and I don't want you to end up liek kiname...I just.."she said all in one short breath till she was cut off by Zetsu kissing her.
she blushed deeply and leaned into the kiss.
He pulled away from her and smiled
"don't worry..I'll be fine..and I'll make sure I keep kiname safe and myself...just promise me the same"
Sazuna smiled once again as she looked at his smile
"I promise.."
Zetsu nodded and after checking each pathway he ran down the halls.
Sazuna put her finger to her lip remebering zetsu's kiss.
she smiled to herself but her smile faded as she heard footsteps behind her and a hand covered her mouth.
She let out a scream but it was choked off as she lost conssiunce.
"..so...Your working aginst me are you?"
Sasori's eyes slowly fluttered open to be staring right into the eyes of deidara
he gasped from surprise
"deidara what are you doing?!"he shouted itterited sitting up
Deidara smiled but it faded
"Kiname....remeber....we were following her but Zetsu knocked us out un"
Sasori held his head as deidara's words sunk in..
"so...how long have you been awake and has she gotten back yet?"he asked standing up with the help of deidara.
Deidara sighed
"I've only just woken up...and as for kiname..she hasn't gotten back..and..I'm worried about her"
Sasori's hand brushed through his hair.
"maybe she's..."He started but his sentece got cut short by Tobi running to where they were.
He was breathing hard from running so fast and such a long distance.
"kiname...she's.."he panted trying to catch his breath to relay the message he was sent to tell not wanting to fail Zetsu.
"what is it?! What's wrong with Kiname!!??"Sasori shouted shocking Deidara and tobi both.
Tobi smiled but it faded as he prepared to tell what he was told.
"Kiname's in the medical ward...she's been beat perrty bad..and.."he stopped as sasori ran past him followed by deidara.
"wait..I'm not done..."tobi yelled but quited as they ran out sight.
"I did my mission..not my fault they didn't listen to my whole story"...
ninja 4laugh rofl pirate talk2hand mrgreen neutral arrow idea question cry exclaim
and I got to go...but shock..as over whelmed me..I wrote alot..well..anough to make up for all of my laziness...so be happy and comment..yeses...
well till next time and all
Love ya loyal readers