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Please read at own risk - and perhaps bring a pair of plant clippers.

Kasumi Roseglimmer
Community Member
Ran Out Of Steam
I wanted to do some rp posts and other stuff today but I'm super tired so I don't have the energy to. Maybe it's 'cause I haven't been able to eat properly aside from mashed potato, rice, gluten free toast and oatmeal. That surely isn't good. But it's all I could handle lately. But I have some chicken wings to cook tonight. Something different.

I am going to get up in the morning tomorrow so I plan to go to sleep earlier too. And I have to go get my bin and bring it in. We found it. My mum and sister came to visit last weekend and help me clean the house up due to my illness. And they found this other lady took my bin for some reason. So they got it back for me.

I also have to water my plants. Those poor things have been in the heatwaves so they are probably dying now. cat_sweatdrop It was too hot to go outside even in the evenings the past 3-4 days. I am going to chill and relax in my room, watching YouTube videos and play Animal Crossing New Horizons on my Switch. I checked how much Pokemon Scarlet and Violet cost and it was way too expensive. So I decided to save up for one of them. But also, I am saving for some art commissions right now, both in real life money and in Gaia platinum (for Alaina's chibi art) and I am going to put it towards the art first. And later the game.

And my dietitian is going to be a little pricy too so I have to be careful. I get some back from Medicare for the first 5 visits but after that it's out of my own pocket. But I desperately need her to help me get better and improve my health and quality of life so I can function enough to both do things I need to, get another job and do things I love to do as well. I always feel bad for being so long in posting replies on rps. But I have to remind myself that my rp partners aren't struggling with chronic illness like I am, so I shouldn't beat myself up for making them wait on posts, even though I do feel guilty about it.

I talked with my mum today and she's been getting lots done since this morning. She was playing with their cats earlier today, and Rajah was chasing the red cord that she kept from Christmas wrapping...chasing it all around the house. Stripey is also super playful so I think she played with her too. And One Ring was being a little gremlin/goblin mode and hiding in the dark somewhere lol. He's so silly. We handled that kitten from birth, from when he was a tiny jelly bean, and yet he's still so shy and skittish. I think he learned bad habits from his mother and older brother. The other kittens were all so much more outgoing and not skittish at all. But Ringy is special, lol. cat_xd

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