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Please read at own risk - and perhaps bring a pair of plant clippers.

Kasumi Roseglimmer
Community Member
One More
One more heatwave to get through and then the weather goes back to normal! Tomorrow is gonna be 37C. And I decided to camp out in my bedroom beside the air conditioner next to my bed. Since yesterday, it was still so stuffy and hot even under two fans on high and a little portable air con.

I managed to do a big rp post yesterday but I had tummy pains last night and today so that is making me feel really tired. I am just going to have mashed potato for dinner to play it safe. I had porridge for breakfast with some brown sugar. That sat well.

I don't think I'm going to buy any more protein bars though. Pretty sure they caused a bad reaction yesterday. I gotta go water my plants and put some rubbish in the bin and then wheel it to the kerb before it gets dark. I might watch some YouTube on my laptop instead of my phone, or maybe even a movie on Netflix. I like horror movies but I also like animated movies, fantasy film, anime and stuff like that.

And a new J Nightmares episode came out so of course I'm going to listen to that while doing a jigsaw puzzle online. I use Jigsaw Planet.

Oh! And I got in touch with the dietitian and have an appointment with her on Feb 11th at 2pm. I can't wait. To finally stop getting sick all the time will be amazing. Hopefully she can help me work out a diet plan. I did mention food sensitivity testing and an allergy test to my GP but he said they really only do them for allergies and not intolerances. So that wasn't an option.

I hope to find a new psychiatrist sometime this year as well. A change of medication might fix all this too.

Also, a friend on Discord posted that she was able to save a cat and then place him with a sanctuary where he now has a good home. I'm so glad! I've been worrying about all the animals with regards to the wildfires in LA and California, and in regards to the freezing winter happening in other parts of the states...and in regards to the animals here because it's been super hot. I hope there are lots of people taking care of and helping them. And of course, I care about people too, so I hope that we can all help each other as well. Charities and emergency services and organisations.

Oh and then there's Ukraine and Pakistan...I wish things would become peaceful again. I'm glad there are organisations helping animals AND people both. But it's still sad and terrible about what's happening in the world. Things have to get better.

Possy is curled up on my bed with me atm. She is keeping me company. Chi and Mackerel have been obsessed with my super soft floor mat that I got from Daiso a few years ago. It's got a cute cat priint and it's pink. Those two have been taking turns sleeping on it so Possy is brave enough to claim the bed. I love that she is getting a turn for once. And how much she's been improving with letting me pet her and such.

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