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Please read at own risk - and perhaps bring a pair of plant clippers.

Kasumi Roseglimmer
Community Member
Bird Bath
Today I am lucky to be feeling a little better and have some energy, despite the honey soy chicken wings causing an IBS attack this morning. Lucky me. I mean, lucky about having energy, not about the IBS crap. Lol. cat_redface

So I got an rp post done for one of my rps on Daily Diapers forum, Innocence Orphanage. And tomorrow I'm doing one for Diapered Anime, an Undertale rp. And now that the hot sun is going down, I'm going to go outside and clean my bird bath and put fresh water in it. Then I'm gonna have some salt and butter mashed potatoes for dinner and then do a wee bit of vacuuming. Just half the house. Otherwise the chores will get too much for me again. cat_sweatdrop

I am also really happy 'cause I was able to buy a bunch of the Ducky kindergarten items today. They were cheaper than the Crabby version and pastel version, which I both still want. I bought two of the Crabby ones but it was a lil' pricy. And I think there wasn't a listing or it was too expensive for the pale one, I forget what it's called. Anyway, I got a Peyo item so I was able to put some duckies with my kindy avatar and she's so cute right now! cat_whee

I had to send another whole message to my friend, whose name I've just gone blank on, because I typed a whole reply to him the other day and must have forgotten to click send. Luckily, today's reply shows as it went through.

I'm gonna check the Last Sanctuary thread again as well. Just in case there are new posts. I got to remember to ask my rp partners to quote me when they reply because otherwise I don't see their new posts and I forget to check.

Also, I'm gonna change my Gaia Online password 'cause I wanna log into it on Waterfox to see if I can get some old features to work but Chrome always autofills it for me and I have totally forgotten what it actually is lol. So I couldn't log in on Waterfox when I tried because I was drawing a blank.

I wanna make more plat by playing Pinball and Lake Kindred as well. But with my health being ultra shitty in recent times, I just don't have the energy to sit there and play. I play Animal Crossing in the evenings because it's a nice, chill, low energy game. I'm excited to see the dietitian and get myself sorted out. I just can't wait to feel better and be able to do more of what I love.

Anyway, it'll get dark if I don't get off here. So bye for now! heart

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