❧ My name is Jen'Azj'ir
❧ And I am a Faerie
❧ Doctor says I'm a Female
❧ I was born 78 years ago
❧ I get butterflies around Men

Let's start with the basics...
↘↘ Name Jen'Azj'ir
↘↘ Race: Faerie
↘↘ Gender: Female
↘↘ Age: 78
↘↘ Race: Faerie
↘↘ Gender: Female
↘↘ Age: 78
A little more detail...
'Jenny,' 'Jen' :Nicknames ↙↙
Jen'Azj'ir Aldrass Ni'Dera :Full name ↙↙
Straight :Orientation ↙↙
Scars (List them here. Go into detail. Where are they, how'd you get them, etc.) [colo#4997D0]:Scars ↙↙
Jen'Azj'ir Aldrass Ni'Dera :Full name ↙↙
Straight :Orientation ↙↙
Scars (List them here. Go into detail. Where are they, how'd you get them, etc.) [colo#4997D0]:Scars ↙↙
Now something personal...
↘↘ Likes: Human blood~ It tastes the best, especially that AB+ that's supposedly so rare. Intricate tattoos and beautiful Gothic architecture are points of interest, as well. And of course, flying.
↘↘ Dislikes: Being grounded, stale air, Faerie blood--that stuff is just nasty--and sunlight.
↘↘ Powers: Slight manipulation of sound waves, shape-shifting--only one physical, non-glamoured form--and manipulation of shadows.
↘↘ Fears: Iron, anyone discovering her name, tight enclosed spaces, and being restrained.
↘↘ Weaknesses: Iron, her name, sunlight, lack of blood.
↘↘ Dislikes: Being grounded, stale air, Faerie blood--that stuff is just nasty--and sunlight.
↘↘ Powers: Slight manipulation of sound waves, shape-shifting--only one physical, non-glamoured form--and manipulation of shadows.
↘↘ Fears: Iron, anyone discovering her name, tight enclosed spaces, and being restrained.
↘↘ Weaknesses: Iron, her name, sunlight, lack of blood.
Tell me your story... IF you can remember
Jen'Azj'ir is strange even for a Faerie. As far as she knows, she is the only one who is able to change to another appearance that isn't made of glamour. Granted, it is only one appearance (can be seen here), but there is no way to see through it because it is not an illusion. It is a unique ability but it does drain her so she must spend a few hours or drink a large amount of blood before she is able to act normally again.
Her preferred alias is Jenny, as even some Fae have a difficult time pronouncing her name. She is young, and so is still discovering the true extent of her powers. At this point, she is able to manipulate shadows as far as another room over, but past that is impossible right now. She can sort of communicate with them in a simple sort of way, and has found them handy as spies. Most people don't know it but the shadows are alive as any of them, and make the most excellent spies.
Jen'Azj'ir finds humans to be surprisingly interesting. Even after Ziggurat drains their memories, they remain such complex creatures with all sorts of emotions and aspects of their personalities and such. She is not exactly kind to them, but she does not exhibit the same cruelty that Fae such as Ziggurat show them. As of yet, she doesn't really have a personal 'pet' human, as none of them have proven interesting enough. That could change, though. Perhaps one will cross her path that she'll take an interest in.
Jenny must drink blood to survive, similar to a vampire. She doesn't have to drink it every night, but at least once a week. It could be more necessary, depending on if she switches back and forth between her two forms very often. Sunlight weakens her and lowers the potency of her abilities. Being in the sun too long will cause her to lose all control of her glamour and all of her illusions will fade. For that reason, she refuses to go into the sun without first taking her human appearance and drinking the necessary amount of blood to allow her to function normally. It isn't uncommon to see her with a glass of blood even when she doesn't need it, as she likes the taste. She only takes from willing victims--which really isn't too hard when she glamours them up just enough to make them want to do anything to she wants them to.
Her preferred alias is Jenny, as even some Fae have a difficult time pronouncing her name. She is young, and so is still discovering the true extent of her powers. At this point, she is able to manipulate shadows as far as another room over, but past that is impossible right now. She can sort of communicate with them in a simple sort of way, and has found them handy as spies. Most people don't know it but the shadows are alive as any of them, and make the most excellent spies.
Jen'Azj'ir finds humans to be surprisingly interesting. Even after Ziggurat drains their memories, they remain such complex creatures with all sorts of emotions and aspects of their personalities and such. She is not exactly kind to them, but she does not exhibit the same cruelty that Fae such as Ziggurat show them. As of yet, she doesn't really have a personal 'pet' human, as none of them have proven interesting enough. That could change, though. Perhaps one will cross her path that she'll take an interest in.
Jenny must drink blood to survive, similar to a vampire. She doesn't have to drink it every night, but at least once a week. It could be more necessary, depending on if she switches back and forth between her two forms very often. Sunlight weakens her and lowers the potency of her abilities. Being in the sun too long will cause her to lose all control of her glamour and all of her illusions will fade. For that reason, she refuses to go into the sun without first taking her human appearance and drinking the necessary amount of blood to allow her to function normally. It isn't uncommon to see her with a glass of blood even when she doesn't need it, as she likes the taste. She only takes from willing victims--which really isn't too hard when she glamours them up just enough to make them want to do anything to she wants them to.
Ooh... A love interest. Is there someone who gets your pulse pounding, makes your head swim, who makes you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach?
↘↘ No one, as of yet
↘↘ No one. None.
↘↘ No one. None.
Finally... Your master. Who is it that controls you?
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