Hello. . .

I'm The Vampire Here ! ! !
You MayCall Me. . .Marlene, Mar, 'Marls' by her husband
But MyName Is. . .Marlene Morte
MyHeight Is. . .A nice 5'7"
Likes. . .Spending any time with her husband, the night, being able to see the light of the sun, a nice drink of blood
Dislikes. . .Insolent and disrespectful newborns, being burnt, overly hot weather, and a stake is generally not her friend
Side. . .Reigning King
role. . .Magician, of sorts
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Marlene is more warm and kind to others than other vampires. She can be loving, in a motherly manner.
Short Bio
Marlene was a young woman when she met her husband. He was charming, he was elegant, he was a true gentleman. An event occurred in which she almost died--one she does not like speaking of--that left her with a scar on the right side of her chest, and of course, her new vampiric nature. To save her life, her husband, James Morte, had changed her. To her delight, she found that she had inherited a few of his powers, though in a slightly weaker form, and she had retained her own abilities, as well.
From a young age, Marlene had been very adept in the art of Necromancy. If it was dead, she could control it. Many people were afraid of her abilities. It marked her as an outcast in society, but she didn't mind. She had already been rather solitary, and it was this solitary nature that attracted the attention of her husband. Who, by the way, also happened to be the Original Vampire. She loves him very dearly, and would do anything for him, but recently he vanished without a trace. As the only known remaining vampire with any semblance of the Original's power, it isn't uncommon to see much younger vampires hide or display respect.
Marlene is surprisingly humble, walking around in a simple outfit with silk gloves and a parasol to protect herself from the sun. She hardly ever draws attention to herself, but those who invoke her wrath should beware. Even Marlene's kindness will only go so long with someone who displays gross disrespect.
From a young age, Marlene had been very adept in the art of Necromancy. If it was dead, she could control it. Many people were afraid of her abilities. It marked her as an outcast in society, but she didn't mind. She had already been rather solitary, and it was this solitary nature that attracted the attention of her husband. Who, by the way, also happened to be the Original Vampire. She loves him very dearly, and would do anything for him, but recently he vanished without a trace. As the only known remaining vampire with any semblance of the Original's power, it isn't uncommon to see much younger vampires hide or display respect.
Marlene is surprisingly humble, walking around in a simple outfit with silk gloves and a parasol to protect herself from the sun. She hardly ever draws attention to herself, but those who invoke her wrath should beware. Even Marlene's kindness will only go so long with someone who displays gross disrespect.
Powers & Weapons
Marlene is a skilled Necromancer. She can summon and control anything that has died. Sentient undead, however, are out of her control. Thus, she cannot control other vampires. So long as she is in the shade or covered, she is able to stay in the sun. She can survive longer without blood than others, and a stake to the heart won't kill her immediately. It will completely disable her, however, and if it isn't removed quickly, she will die.
The scar over her eye is actually a curse. If she makes eye contact with someone who has committed any murder, she will see each and every one. However, she sees it from the victim's point of view. She only sees it once, which often is too much. Holy water does little more than make her drunk if she ingests it.
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