Hello. . .

I'm The Half-Giant Here ! ! !
You MayCall Me. . .Arty
But MyName Is. . .Artemis Mollis Palladium
MyHeight Is. . .6' 5"
Likes. . .A good duel, tests of strength, any kind of alcohol--especially if it is strong enough to knock her on her a**, good food, and of course a hot bath
Dislikes. . .Cold weather, being sick, cowards, liars, and stupid people in general
Side. . .The Crownless King
role. . .Soldier
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Artemis is relatively laid-back and doesn't care what anyone things about her. She can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Her temper, when finally stoked, is something to beware.
Short Bio
Artemis grew up with her mother and father. When she was young, she knew little other than the warm embrace of her parents. When she came of age, she learned the art of swordplay. And after a few more years, play turned into true practice. She learned how to fight, and fight well. Her strength only increased, though it never really reached the same level as her Giant family or even other half-Giants. And about that age, she was told that she had a brother somewhere in the world, but that no one knew where he was. She had a sense that his location was known but withheld from her. Determined to find him, she left her home, and began searching.
Before she ever found anything, she found the Crownless King. Wary of him at first, she kept her distance and drew her blades, until she learned that he could help her find her brother. With that promise, she joined him, hoping that he would keep his word and she could find her long-lost older brother. However, having not been in the world too long, she knows nothing of deceit and lies. She does not know of Abidan's true intentions, or that she is really little more than a pawn in his game. One thing is true, though...
Julian's parents are not as dead as he thinks.
Before she ever found anything, she found the Crownless King. Wary of him at first, she kept her distance and drew her blades, until she learned that he could help her find her brother. With that promise, she joined him, hoping that he would keep his word and she could find her long-lost older brother. However, having not been in the world too long, she knows nothing of deceit and lies. She does not know of Abidan's true intentions, or that she is really little more than a pawn in his game. One thing is true, though...
Julian's parents are not as dead as he thinks.
Powers & Weapons
Artemis has incredible strength. It is not nearly as impressive as a full Giant nor even a male half-Giant, but it is still impressive. Rather than carry one single weapon, she has two b*****d swords that she dual wields as easily as though they were twigs. Of course, if all else fails, she has some serious hand-to-hand combat skills.
Artemis is weak against magic, specifically in the fire family. But she is weak to healing magic, too, which is more often a good thing than it is not. Beneath her dress, she wears a special set of armor crafted with the intent of allowing her freedom of movement without sacrificing protection. Her red hair is somewhat of a genetic mutation, as neither of her parents had it. It's probably from further back in her lineage.
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