Name: Gnadenlos Stahl
Age: 19
Race: Naga
Orientation: Straight
Rank: 'Oracle'
Powers: Shifting between her 'natural' form and a human form
Kingdom: None
Skills: Healing, generally with the aid of poultices and herbs. She can 'communicate' with nature--mostly she can speak to the spirits of the world and gain some aid from them, though she can't control them.
Weakness: She needs sunlight, no matter which form she's in, or else she'll be sluggish and sleepy. She is also small. Very, very small. So she really isn't that strong, except for her tail because that's all pure muscle.
Likes: Sunlight (obviously), taking care of others, protecting her friends, anything sweet
Dislikes: Cold weather, violence, illness, being unable to aid someone, sour things
Bio: Gnadenlos was always talented with herbalism and some alchemy, able to create healing potions and poultices. Among her people, she was called a Shaman, able to 'communicate' with nature, relaying the messages of the spirits so that others can do what is necessary to change. She used her skills with medicines to heal the wounded and put the sick on the mend. One day, when on her way home from collecting herbs to restock her, she encountered a group of raiders ganging up on one man. After asking the spirits to aid her, she scared off the raiders, brandishing her fangs and accompanied by powerful winds. When the danger was past, she returned to the injured man. She discovered he was very large, and his wounds were nasty. Gnade wasted no time getting to work on his wounds, nearly exhausting the supplies she had on her at the time. Since then, the man--named Julian--has followed her, protecting her to pay a debt that she insists doesn't exist in the first place.
Other: Gnade's hair is green, her eyes are yellow, her tail is deep green, and her skin is purple in her natural form/peach in her human form. Also, she has bolts of cloth on the front and back of her belt that unfold to cover her special no-no places in her human form.
Username: Mein Herz des Goldes