Age: unknown
Race: Pureblood Vampire
Height: 5'7

Bio: She is one of the first vampires, having the purest of vampire blood out of all the female vampires and because of that is the only female allowed to stay within the Carpathia clan, the clan that she and her mate had started.
Another reason she was allowed to stay, deispite the fact that she was one of it's founders, is because of her rare gift. Most vampires get common gifts like mind reading and so on, but she has a connection with nature, being able to bend it to her will in even the smallest of ways.
Sexuality: Straight
Name: Mitrik Carpathia
Age: Unknown
Race: Pureblood Vampire
Height: 6'9

Bio: He is Cinalici's mate and head of the Carpathia clan. Anything he says that has to do with his clan, he refuses to acknoldge them as his family, is firm and the law. He refuses to let any female other then his mate into the clan; even if it was his own daughter. Anytime Cinalici born a baby girl he would immediatly have it sold into slavery. There were a few fortuante ones like Evangeline who managed to find themselves with kind masters, where as the rest... weren't so fortuante.
He, unlike his mate, does not have a rare gift but a very powerfull one instead. He is very powerfull in both telekinesis and telepathy, having on numorus ocasions broken through the strongest of mental walls and taken control over someones mind, making them think what he wanted them to think. However, there is a downside to having such powerfull gifts, which is how long he can use them. Only his mate and himself know just how long it takes for him to reach his limit, but he rarely has to reach it in order for what he wanted to be done gets done.
He is also close friends with Lateef Vande.
Sexuality: Pan