Age: 586
Race: Tideborn
Height: 5'7
[Human form]

[True Form]

Bio: In her early years, she was trained to be a deadly assassin, hardly ever leaving the hidden realm of her people in the southern pacific ocean. However, their realm didn't remain hidden for much longer as a dark force revealed their race to the world. One by one, each of her people were hunted down for their tail's, the scale's on them being worth more than their weight in gold and precious gems. The children were captured alive and taken to different aquariam's to showcase their natural beauty and grace; the children that hadn't started their training that is.
She is one of the few lucky ones that managed to escape and keep's her true form hidden, managing to pass of her fin like ears in her human form as a birth defect and rarely stays in one place at a time. She is currently looking for other surviours like her so they can travel together and build their race back up from extinction.
Sexuality: Unknown.