Age: 20
Race: human
Height: 5'7

Bio: Kaz had only just joined the army before Poland was invaded and himself caputred. However, instead of being killed like he had expected he had gotten a fate much worse; he had cought the eye of the general. He was forced to become a 'pet' to the general. At first he tried to run away from him but he only ended up being caught and publicly beaten and humilated, much to the enjoyment of the soldier's under his masters comand. He tired to run a few more times before giving up, everytime he did he was caught and brought back, the punishment more sevre everytime. He had given up hope now on ever leaving the burtal general, though he wasn't completely broken, he would still rebel on much smaller scales from time to time, to prove that he would never be completely broken, or so he thinks.
Sexuality: Gay